Real Science Shames Darwin
It’s time to EVOLVE – beyond the mythologic and pseudo-scientific thinking!
(Romans 1:18-32)
The Bible Reveals the TRUTH about dinosaurs!
Archaeological Evidence Demonstrating The Reality Of God, The Rock Moses Struck And Water Came Out!
The Real Rea Sea Crossing
Ancient Egyptian chariots wheels found strewn across the 500 ft. submerged land bridge (found on both sides)!
— See explanation below —
The Greatest LIE Ever Sold!
This is the real reason Earth’s history is being revised and the myth of Darwinian Evolution is being used to cover up the truth.
This is about much more than just a desire to just do away with Noah’s global flood of biblical judgment. This is about erasing humanity’s knowledge of Earth’s true past, so that the same lie can be re-packaged and brought back to deceive mankind on a grand scale like nothing that has ever happened before.
By using Darwinism, to convince the masses that humanity evolved from knuckle dragging apes and ignoring the outstanding anthropological record of the massive structures of monoliths all over the world (other than to put a mysterious “alien” spin on it and associating it with something that only conspiracy nuts would currently believe), the Global Elites are planning on using this information in a twisted “big reveal”, to deceive humanity and usher in their Antichrist and global Luciferin worship.
The Elites want to convince humanity that higher, more “evolved” interdimensional cosmic, alien beings transplanted us here on earth. They had come in the ancient past and begun to establish their DNA and beliefs with lesser humanoids early on (thus the giants), but some “cosmic disaster” forced them to retreat for a while. But they will return soon and complete the work they started (Genesis 6 & Revelation 12 give us the real account, both past and near future).
The Global Elites will pull out the physical evidence that they have been hiding in places like the underground vaults of the Vatican and the Smithsonian and then they will spin a fancy lie the wicked will simply love. They will tell us Lucifer is our real “Creator” and he has come to make us all into evolved gods, with special powers (thus the predictive programming of things like Marvel Comics and special/super “mutant” abilities), if we will just follow him, take his mark and worship him, then he will show us all the way to enlightenment and our higher true self. Great supernatural signs and false wonders will be preformed to back it all up and most of the world will gladly give themselves over to it, believing they no longer need to fear the true Creator God of the Bible, who will be returning to Earth in less than four years after this defining moment of willful delusion and complete rebellion. Do not take the mark of the beast! For those who do will be damned to Hell forever (Revelation 14:9-13)!
Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus || Spoken Word
The Reality of Natural Laws
FACT – All natural laws must work together in unison for the great complexity we observe that allows for the structural and functional mechanisms for existence, as well as the ongoing survival of all the living organisms we see around us, including ourselves.
LOGIC – [a=b, b=a]
[True ≠ False] The Law of Non-contradiction – something cannot be both true and false at the same time.
MATH – [a+b=b+a] Then, built upon logic is mathematics. What would our universe be without the ability to count? Then, built upon math is physics.
PHYSICS – [E=MC2] Rules of light, energy, gravity and motion. Laws which are foundational to the laws of chemistry and and biology.
These laws make a universe started by accident impossible! Why? Because the natural order of these laws works against life, breaking it down continuously over time, not building it up [the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics or Entropy].
Thus, all life as we know it had to be intelligently and powerfully orchestrated in the beginning for any of it, including ourselves, to even be here. This is what the first law of biology, the Law of Biogenesis, has always taught us that life only comes from life. Only those who seek to be lawless believe otherwise. Read through this web page to view a portion of the astounding and powerful evidence from science that supports the biblical worldview and the God of the Bible.
Further, creation has been demonstrated by many discoveries, like: oxygen being found in abundance in the earth’s foundational rocks, meaning it was present at the beginning, meaning life was formed instantly from the start (because oxygen would destroy the model for the early stages of evolution)! The fictions invented by naturalists about mutations and time, both actually prove the opposite scientifically of what is claimed by these atheistic myth tellers (Oh, my)!
God made the worlds … upholding all things by the word of his power – Hebrews 1:2-3. He is not going away just because people made up stories to say He isn’t real.
Skeptical? This link is another great place to have your questions answered!
Josh McDowell, a former angry and bitter atheist, abused and humiliated by his drunken father as a child, became a man on a mission to prove Christianity wrong, he went looking for the evidence to silence a belief he despised, but he did not find what the expected. Go to his website and see what he found, if you are looking for REAL answers, not more excuses.
Here it will be demonstrated SCIENTIFICALLY that Darwinian Evolution is the most unscientific, irrational religious cult on the planet, with no apologies to the atheists that worship and hide behind this religious alter! When speaking of “atheists”, on this website, it is generally in reference to those individuals who have shamelessly and deliberately distorted, hidden and denied the overwhelming scientific evidences for the express purpose of willful deception to perpetuate their belief system (a blind faith religion) upon others, for their own position and prosperity. These people are the world’s foremost hypocrites and they do not deserve any respect or honor among men for pushing the greatest lie ever foisted upon the minds of humanity.
The truth is “Atheists” really don’t exist! This is true because to be a genuine atheist, a person would have to have all the knowledge in the universe, in order to know God did not exist. It would be very generous to say that all of the collective knowledge humanity contains would be about 5% of what is in the universe, and for any single human to have 1% of it would be extraordinary. Therefore, saying that there is no God is a pure statement of blind faith. Since such knowledge cannot be achieved from within humanity’s ability to know, these people are truly agnostics (without knowledge). Yet, there are two types of agnostics, the ordinary and the ornery. The ordinary agnostic tries to look at evidence and they allow it to speak for itself. The ornery agnostic has already decided their position without the evidence, and no amount of evidence to the contrary of that biased opinion will ever alter it.
Scientific Reality 101
- What Exactly Is Science?
- Real Science
- Defining Evolution And Exposing The Fraud
- The Radiometric Dating Game
- Starlight And Time
- The Big Bang Theory is Scientifically Bankrupt (Evidence For A Young Universe And A Young Earth)
- Evidence Dinosaurs Lived, Not That Log Ago! (Please see Information Page!)
- The Fossil Record (Please see Information Page!)
Other Good Information Supporting the Science
- How Can I Know There Is A God?
- How Can I Know the Bible is True?
- Answering the “Why God” Questions
- Atheism’s Historical Revision
- Was Noah’s Flood Global Or Local?
- Your Worldview Controls Your Thinking
- Were The Days Of Creation In Genesis Six Ordinary, 24 Hour Days?
- Are These Men Cousins?
- Answering “Who Created God”, With Science and Reason
What We Get When Some In The Church Compromise With The Cult Of Darwin
What Exactly Is Science?
In the realm of scientific knowledge there is law, theory and hypothesis. The hypothesis is simply an unproven idea that must be explored to see if any evidence exists for it. If, through the course of scientific discovery, the evidence found is contrary to the hypothesis and no evidence is found to support the idea, then the hypothesis must be rejected. A theory is a hypothesis that there only seems to be some evidence for its support. So equally, if through the course of scientific discovery, direct evidence found is to seriously contradict the theory (like it repeated violates established scientific laws), then the theory must be discarded and not continually upheld, as if it were still a legitimate theory.
Darwin’s “theory” on the evolution of species is a perfect example of a bad idea that has been repeatedly invalidated and should no longer be given any serious scientific consideration (more on this in a moment). A law in science has moved beyond the idea stage to a place of consistent provability on a daily basis. A law is something we can observe repeatedly in the present with our five senses. Gravity is probably the most widely know example of a law of science that we can continually observe, as it is the one law that is most commonly taught to school children with a simple demonstration. Yet, Albert Einstein claimed there is a law of science even more observable and proven than gravity. It is the second law of thermodynamics, which states that (ultimately, as time passes) everything in the universe is moving from a state of order (greater organization and usable energy) to a state of disorder (less organization and usable energy). In other words, everything is winding down, being used up, decaying, dying and coming apart.
This explains why we can observe our sun shrinking, because it’s being used up. This law explains why we observe, people, plants and animals aging and dying with the passage of time. It explains why we see clothes, cars, roads and houses falling apart and wearing out. It explains why we have never seen, nor ever will see, any new kind arise from another kind, as well as, why we do see the extinctions of species. One of the foundational pillars of Darwin’s theory of evolution is the production of new species, which assumes that things must be moving in a constantly upward and more organized direction. This belief absolutely contradicts the well-established second law of thermodynamics. Make no mistake about it, Atheism’s blind faith is the only explanation for why an unobservable theory is being exalted above the most observable law of science in the universe.
Because Darwin’s atheistic belief of specie transformation is so blatantly in opposition to the second law of thermodynamics, the modern atheistic evolutionists attempt to cover one lie with another. In an effort to confuse the scientific novice, they will claim that by adding energy to a given environment the second law of thermodynamics is “overcome”. The catch with this lie is that it’s only a temporary phenomenon under special conditions in the smaller picture of an open system, like the Earth, which does not negate the overall long-term effect of the second law of thermodynamics in the big picture within the natural universe, which is a closed system.
This supplementary deception is easily refuted by two truths: first, they would agree that the whole universe is a closed system. For energy to be introduced in one area, it had to be lost in another area, so it can only be a temporary occurrence, for the first law of thermodynamics states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Second, adding energy is always destructive unless there is a specific mechanism to utilize or harness that energy, like chlorophyll in plants, but the plant will eventually die anyway, because the second law of thermodynamics is still true. Given enough time, the second law of thermodynamics is always proven true, which is ironic because the evolutionists hide behind long periods of time in an attempt to make their arguments sound plausible for upward evolution! This atheistic argument about the addition of energy is as fallacious as saying that because airplanes can fly, the law of gravity no longer exists. Hebrews 1:10-11 spoke forth the principle of the second law of thermodynamics over nineteen hundred years ago, along before men of science figured it out. For in that passage of the book of Hebrews it states that the heavens and the earth will wear out like an old garment.
Another proven law of science is the law of biogenesis, which states that in the sphere of life, living things arise only from other living things. The hypothesis of abiogenesis, or spontaneous generation, which is the idea that life magically springs forth from non-living matter, has been disproved repeatedly for centuries. Yet, the modern big bang theory assumes, as its foundation for life, the premise of spontaneous generation! It claims that out of a “special mixture” of non-living matter, which resulted from a fiery explosion, all the complex life we see today came into being. How is it that intelligent minds can accept a theory, which has a disprovable hypothesis as its principal foundation, which additionally contradicts known scientific laws? How bright is it to say we evolved from dissolved rocks or nothing at all? It certainly has nothing to do with science and once again demonstrates the blind, irrational faith of the heart-hardened atheist.
Let the reader understand: The atheistic viewpoint has no ethical, moral or legal boundaries or any real reason to remain honest and impartial in its interpretations, because the atheist believes everything is completely relative anyway! This explains why they remain in a position willful ignorance, suppressing the truth, contrary to what is so overwhelmingly obvious. Once a person hardens their heart to the truth, they automatically close their mind to remain objective or see what is evident. Also, it may explain why the atheist can take great pride in his or her blind beliefs, with enormous stubbornness and dishonesty, shamelessly proclaiming that their beliefs are based on “hard scientific facts, instead of some flaky religion like the Bible”, when just the opposite is true, as blind faith is all they stand on.
It’s time for those who say they hold to a biblical worldview to wake up and realize that the atheists have no intention of playing by the same rules and code of ethics, which honor the truth! When they attack us for our faith, we need to simply explain the absurdity of faith in the big bang, as it relates to foundational scientific laws and counter with effective questions that show the untenable position, which they are trying to judge us from. Once we learn to do this successfully, the atheists will quickly lose the false aura of authority they hide behind and the general public will begin to see through it as well.
Real Science
REAL SCIENCE can be demonstrated as OBSERVABLE IN THE PRESENT, without any excuses!
(Exposing Naturalistic Evolution’s Two Main Mythological Pillars)
I. SPONTANEOUS GENERATION (ABIOGENESIS) – that life can spring forth from non-life IS NOT SCIENTIFIC, as it cannot be observed in the present, nor was it possible in the past! Abiogenesis is the mythology that life can form from non-life. The eleven things needed to work in perfect concert together on the molecular level to create life from non-life are: the right materials, the right conditions, the right products, the right kinds, the right amounts, the right reactions, the right locations, the right sequences, the right information, the right structure and the right function. Listed below are just a few of the life halting catch-22’s involved in these eleven steps that make spontaneous generation a complete impossibility of ever being or becoming a reality, because of the scientific laws of chemistry and physics won’t allow it to ever happen. The amazing thing is that this has not stopped the atheistic “scientists” from vainly pursuing to find some way to prove it anyway. They remind one of those who believe the Earth is flat and say they can “prove it” or those who search for the mythical pot of gold at the end of every rainbow. It is truly delusion at its worst, yet this pursuit of absolute madness is often funded by our hard-earned tax dollars.
Six quick scientific reasons for telling humans they come from “stardust” is completely moronic.
1. OXYGEN destroys the formation of the amino acids necessary to make life, through oxidation, which stops all synthesis. Yet, oxygen’s presence is required for the protection and support of these same materials, making it indispensable for the beginning processes of life. Oxygen has been found in abundance in earth’s foundational rocks, which ends random chance notion, because oxidation would have been destroying any possible initial production. This is why Stanley Miller left oxygen out of his apparatus and his idea doesn’t work in the real world.
2. FORMALDEHYDE that would be needed to produce the sugars would disproportionately produce amines or dead end products of no use for life. In other words, formaldehyde would fix any proteins as soon as they would form, rendering them useless.
3. AMINO ACIDS are the building blocks of proteins and they are either right-handed or left-handed. What few people realize is that living organisms can only have 100% left handed amino acids in their proteins, or no functional life exists. Yet, all the natural, observable laws of physics and chemistry consistently demonstrate a mixture of the right-handed and left-handed amino acids that is nothing even close to the 100% needed for life. In other words, all natural processes, regardless of how much time they are given, can never produce the pure left-handed chains of amino acids needed for life. Stanley Miller experiment did not produce anything close to the pure left-handed chains of amino acids needed for life; a fact conveniently left out of all biology textbooks.
4. SUGARS are either right-handed or left-handed, as well, and sugars required for living organisms must be 100% right-handed or no functional life can exist either. And yes, you guessed it; all the natural, observable laws of physics and chemistry consistently demonstrate a mixture of the right-handed and left-handed sugars, which can’t be overcome through prolonged and stubborn denials. The same line of reasoning applies to the sugars as it did to the amino acids. If there is just one left-handed sugar within the chain of the DNA, it’s dead on arrival! “Mother Nature” can’t make what the naturalists require in their formula, she just doesn’t have it in her.
5. HEAT is the energy needed to form amino acids. But, the very same heat/energy needed to form the amino acids would absolutely melt or vaporize any amino acids that might of had any chance to develop! This is why Stanley Miller cheated and put a trap in his apparatus to keep anything that did develop away from the heat.
6. PROTEINS are necessary to make DNA, but the DNA contains all the necessary information to form the proteins. This is like having a DVD with the instructions on how to build a DVD player on it, but not having a DVD player to play the DVD on to get the information. Without some form of intelligent intervention, the DVD player would never get built!
In short, this is the ultimate demonstration for proof of the law of biogenesis (that life can only come from life), and it should close the book on the fable of spontaneous generation from a big bang theory slant once and for all, for any truly honest intellect.
II. MUTATIONAL TRANSFORMATION – the idea that one Kind of living organism can change into another Kind IS NOT SCIENTIFIC, as it cannot be observed in the present, nor was it possible in the past (an honest evaluation of the fossil record confirms this)!
Mutations: What Darwin didn’t know in his day, but scientists of today now know, is that information (design demonstrating intelligence) on the genetic level is so unimaginably complex and precisely structured that the absolute improbability of one Kind evolving into another Kind can easily be understood and demonstrated. Each individual Kind’s DNA is so multifaceted and unique in its structural design that it has caused geneticists to state that it could never be feasible for one Kind to evolve or mutate into another Kind, no matter how much time one introduces into the equation.
The evolutionists have stated that because the chemical composition of humans and chimpanzees is very similar it “proves’ we have a common ancestry. Yet, between a chimpanzee and a man, there are over 60 million coded differences in a single DNA molecule. There are at least 50 trillion of these differing molecules in the cells of a human body. All 60 million differences in each of the 50 trillion of DNA molecules would have to all reorganize themselves in an instantaneous synchronized event, into a miraculously perfect rearrangement, to have a chimp transform into an naturalist. So, even though the chemical makeup is 98% the same for man and chimp, it is a statistical impossibility for a chimp to change into a human, regardless of how long you give the chimp chances to change. [3 billion nucleotides per cell x 0.02 = 60 million]. NOTE: This is outdated. We now know that 60 million coded differences in a single DNA molecule was not even close! There are so many more differences that they are continuing to discover, which is a moot point, since evolution could not have happened with 60 million anyway!
Why Time Can’t Help The Naturalist: Dr. Barney Maddox, a leading genetic genome researcher (yet, still brainwashed with atheistic evolutionary terminology), put it this way, “Now the genetic differences between human and his nearest relative the chimpanzee, is at least 1.6%. That doesn’t sound like much, but calculated out, that is a gap of at least 48,000,000 nucleotides, a change of only 3 nucleotides is fatal to an animal; there is no possibility of change”. (From the Human Genome Project, Quantitatively A Disproof Of Evolution, CEM facts sheets. Cited in Doubts About Evolution?) This demonstrates the statistical impossibility of gradual change.
Here’s all you really need to know about mutations: Without exception, for it is a well-documented scientific fact, when a mutation occurs, there is always a loss or removal of specific information, which is the exact opposite of what is required for Darwinian evolution of species to take place (from a lesser specie to a higher specie).
Can mutations ever produce new information? It is now clear that the answer is a resounding NO! Naturalist, Dr. Lee Spetner, a highly qualified scientist who taught information and communication theory at Johns Hopkins University, makes this abundantly clear in his recent book, Not by Chance! He observed several examples of microevolution, particularly mutations, which showed information did not increase. In fact, Dr. Spetner has never found or heard of a single mutation that added information. Dr. Spetner stated, “All point mutations that have been studied on the molecular level turn out to reduce the genetic information and not to increase it. Spetner isn’t sure what he believes now, but he knows that Darwinian evolution, concerning the “origin of species”, is no longer scientifically feasible.
We shouldn’t be fooled by all the new and clever ways the Darwinian naturalists are attempting to spin the genetic research either. We are hearing about the creation of “complex, new forms” with “new traits” giving us “new life forms”. First, the reality is that they are only proving the law of biogenesis, because they are merely producing these things from living organisms, not from inorganic chemicals. Second, they are simply duplicating, manipulating, and/or mixing the information that is already available. It’s a little like using a laboratory to manipulate genes to breed a wolf into a dachshund. It is a “new life form” with “new complex features” and “new traits”, but no new information was added, it’s still a dog and information was lost in the process! Darwinian naturalists are a lot like magicians, they have to keep coming up with new tricks to fool their audience or they will soon be out of business. Don’t fall for their smoke and mirrors routine. Always remember that the issue is really NEW INFORMATION! The Darwinian naturalists will never find new information being added in, which is absolutely necessary for Darwin’s theory to work.
CONCLUSION: Spontaneous Generation (abiogenesis) and Upward Mutational Transformation are the two main pillars that naturalistic Darwinian Evolution is propped up on. Once people begin to comprehend the actual hopelessness and rational fallacy of these two ludicrous foundational premises, in regard to true scientific principles, the whole fairytale of Darwinian evolution will begin to collapse in their minds, just as it did long ago scientifically, which will be an interesting thing to watch as the masses begin to realize how their thinking has been manipulated and controlled through the many clever lies from the “authoritative” sources (cultists) they were taught to trust. A hundred years from now, children will mock Darwinian evolution, much like we now mock the Flat Earth Society.
Defining Evolution And Exposing The Fraud
It is important to define the many different terms that the materialists/naturalists use for the single word of “evolution”. The naturalists loosely use the word “evolution” and wrongly apply it to several meanings, but only one definition concerning evolution is actually scientific. By defining each specific term, the masquerade is quickly revealed, leaving the naturalist with nothing but their condescending posturing and blind faith to hide behind, as they continue to attempt to conceal, redefine and suppress the truth.
1. Cosmic evolution – the materialistic origin of time, space, and matter, i.e., the big bang. No real scientific evidence exists for this unstable fairytale, yet there is a great deal of good science that refutes it. For example, supposedly the big bang occurred from an insignificant amount of matter that was spinning very fast and then it exploded. So, if the big bang theory were correct, all the matter in the universe would be spinning in the same direction as it expanded outwardly into vacuous space. This is so because of the SCIENTIFIC LAW of the conservation of angular momentum, which in effect states that all particles that fly off of a spinning object will rotate in the same direction, out from that object, and most specifically in a frictionless environment (like space). But scientific observation shows us that in just our solar system alone, at least two planets and 6 moons (of the more than 60 moons) are spinning in an opposite direction from the rest. Some of the moons are even orbiting in the opposite direction! What’s up with that? Naturalists have absolutely no honest answer that works for this clear contradiction that scientifically refutes their belief system. Venus spins in the opposite direction of the rotation of the solar system. It could not have been hit by space debris to cause this, as its orbit would show the effect of being hit so hard, having an elliptical orbit. Yet, Venus has one of the most circular orbits compared to the rest of the planets. By the way, even the naturalists now admit the universe had a beginning, which implies a Beginner via the Law of Biogenesis – life only comes from life.
2. Stellar and planetary evolution – the materialistic origin of the stars and planets. This is an unknown, on an equal level of an absolute myth, for no one has ever observed such evolution, as no one has ever actually seen a star form. But we have observed stars exploding, which agrees with the Second LAW of Thermodynamics. Additionally, the continual observation of the star Sirius, for two millennia, watching it change from red to white (loosing, not gaining energy), showed us just the opposite of what evolutionist/naturalists claim we should see.
3. Chemical evolution – the materialistic origin of higher elements from hydrogen and some helium. The evidence from the scientific disciplines and all the known LAWS of chemistry, physics and statistical probability absolutely refutes even the remote possibility of such evolution.
4. Organic evolution – the materialistic origin of complex life forms from non-living matter. This is abiogenesis or spontaneous generation; a false concept that has been scientifically disproved more than once by good science through the centuries. In separate experiments by William Harvey, Francisco Redi and Louis Pasteur, spontaneous generation was shown to be a false hypothesis. The daily observable LAW of Biogenesis negates this fable entirely, as do several other LAWS of chemistry and physics, which conclusively demonstrate the impossibility of life coming together at the molecular level within an imaginary primitive soup that the naturalists concocted out of their desperate imaginations.
5. Macroevolution (the origin of species) – the changing of one kind into another kind though chance mutations over long periods of time. First of all, the second LAW of thermodynamics refutes the “time” element for this bad idea, because time is the enemy of positive, upward change. Even Albert Einstein said it was the most obvious and observable LAW of science, even above gravity. Secondly, the scientific disciplines of genetics (through DNA structure, function and intelligent design), microbiology (through mutations, which always leads to a loss of information), statistical probability (the practical odds being well beyond the realm of possibility) and paleontology (the fossil record, which is missing the millions of transitional forms that would be present if this notion had any merit) all soundly refute this failed hypothesis as nothing more than the most flagrant form of blind faith possible for any human being to hold. One brief example of this is a recent study reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The study examined certain proteins found on the external covering of mammal’s eggs. Two of the proteins permit sperm cells to attach and combine with eggs. These proteins (and the genes that make them) vary greatly from kind to kind, even closely related ones. Also, they discovered that the proteins are very particular. If a sperm cell doesn’t have the exact proteins on its own surface, it cannot attach with the egg. Thus, there is no way that, for example, sperm cells from a skunk could fertilize a cat’s egg. The intelligent design argument points to this as a prime example of purposeful planning with each kind having its own reproductive padlock and combination. Moreover, the proteins are so essential, so varied and so selective that they defy any naturalistic explanation. If the genes for these proteins were to pick up chance mutations, the combination would no longer unlock the padlock and fertilization would become unattainable. Much is being done in the realm of genetic manipulation these days, but the missing link for the evolutionists is the creation of brand new information (that also would somehow not be harmful), which could cause an upward change. ALL THE LAWS OF SCIENCE and ALL OBSERVABLE EVIDENCE tell us this does not and cannot ever happen, even with an infinite amount of time.
6. Microevolutionolution (which is really only genetic variation within a Kind and purely horizontal, not vertical) – Of all the definitions of “evolution”, this is the only one that is actually scientific. But because of definite boundaries of genetic limitation in a kind, it always remains the same kind and can never change into another kind (for all the reasons listed for macroevolutionolution. “Natural selection” is falsely used as “proof” for all the other unscientific brands of evolution, which are nothing more than a thinly veiled religion for the intellectually dishonest. I.Q. test scores and fancy degrees of higher learning should never be confused with truthfulness when it comes to naturalism’s spin on “science”. Just because someone is intelligent does not mean that they won’t lie to you. In fact, the more mentally capable a person is, the greater their ability is to deceive a person. Microevolution can never be extrapolated into any of the other forms of materialistic evolution listed above. Yet, the school textbooks are full of examples of serious false advertising for naturalistic evolution in this very manner. One such example is the statement that “natural selection causes evolution of species by descent” (meaning macroevolution or the origin of species). But natural selection only stabilizes a kind to keep it strong, it does not create new kinds, as every kind has its genetic limits. This is why we see the dog kind and the cat kind (and not dats and cogs). The same is true for mankind, the only kind created in the image of God.
The Radiometric Dating Game
It is important to understand that the radiometric dating methods currently used to come up with long periods of time are extremely unreliable and often purposely deceptive. There are over 100 types of dating methods available, 90% of which produce young dates for the earth. A little-known fact is that the secular “scientific” community is presently using less than 10% of the dating methods available. This is because the few methods they choose to use can be manipulated, to appear to lend support for the evolutionary, atheistic worldview, because results of long periods of time can be “achieved” with these methods.
Outside of the faulty atheistic premise that the earth is very old, contrary to the historical evidence, three other major assumptions are made when dating is done. Those who understand basic math know we can’t have (xyz) as unknowns and expect to come up with a valid numerical value in our answer unless we have the actual numbers, or known constants, to plug into our formula. Only one unknown in the equation is acceptable to be able to find a real (concrete and tangible) numerical answer. The arbitrary values used by evolutionists are subtly disguised as “real known values”, and thus, they are a “natural” part of the equation for the atheists. Yet, they know that their presumptions are faulty based on other recognized variables that affect the material they are dating, but they just ignore those facts, as it would damage the believability in long periods of time that are needed for evolution.
Decay Rate Measurement (Parent material decays to the daughter material, i.e. potassium to argon, at a measurable rate)
The first assumption concerns the original amount of parent material being measured, when there is no way to know for certain the original percentage of what the parent material in a given sample was to start with. The atheists dishonestly and deliberately set the value at 100% for the parent material to help extend the “measured” value. This directly relates to their second presupposition that no daughter material was present in the beginning, even though daughter material is ordinarily found in samples, like newly formed rock from volcanic runoffs. Again, the atheists dishonestly and deliberately set the value at 0% for the daughter material to help extend the “measured” value. Third, it is postulated that the decay rate has been constant, with no outside interferences that could influence it to change. Yet, scientific observation shows us that there can be several interfering affects changing all of the above.
Scientists understand that when rocks are formed through the natural processes, they most always have both parent and daughter material in them (i.e., volcanic rocks that are formed with both potassium, the parent, and argon, the daughter, in them). This would automatically give the illusion of the rocks being much older than they really are, as the argon present at formation would be interpreted as past decayed material.
Scientists recognize that outside influences, such as cosmic radiation, can affect the decay rate. The amount of remaining parent material to be dated can be affected by the washing out of its salts from the material by water, as well (i.e., when potassium salts are washed out of a sample, it will give the false impression of being much older than it truly is).
A clear example of this problem was found with volcanic rocks in Hawaii from the 1800 and 1801 eruptions that were dated by some of these “discriminating” techniques to yield longer periods of time. The dates achieved ranged from a couple of million to three billion years old. This wide range of variance and obvious inaccuracy of dates on rocks that we know are only about 200 years old should clearly demonstrate that such dating methods cannot be trusted, nor should they be presented as “scientific fact” to the trusting public. Recently, similar radiometric dating methods were tested by geologists on separate lava flows at the bottom and the top of the Grand Canyon. The top lava flow dated to be much older than the one on the bottom, but according to evolutionary interpretation, the rock at the bottom should have been much older than the one on the top. Inconsistencies and gross inaccuracies are extremely commonplace with radiometric dating, but the atheists select out the few dates that fit their propaganda and present them to the public as “fact”, ignoring all the presumptions and problems.
Yet, even worse than all of this, because of the above-mentioned problems, if you bring a rock to a secular laboratory to be dated, you must first tell those who are doing the testing the type of strata and approximate “time period” the rock came from (according to Charles Lyell’s concocted geologic time scale), or they won’t even date it. Once they have a target range to shoot for, they will continually tweak their instruments until they get a number that matches the range of the assumed time period on the mythological, geologic scale. All the tested dates that do not match the intended target range during this process are conveniently discarded! Just imagine what would happen if N.A.S.A. conducted their scientific business in such a manipulative and dishonest manner; no rockets would have ever made it off the launch pad!
The real reason that they use such subjective and unscientific methods for dating is that their whole philosophy is rooted in illogical circular reasoning; the “stage of evolution” or sequence and age of the fossils determines geologic age of the rocks, and the geologic age of the rocks determines the sequence and age of the fossils. One supposedly proves the other, yet neither assumption proves anything, as they are both based on an anti-God philosophy and not “indisputable facts” as to the age of things.
The carbon-14 dating method’s problems are really no different. The theory assumes that carbon-14 is in equilibrium in the atmosphere (it breaks down at the same rate that it is being produced). Yet, calculations show that carbon-14 is being produced nearly one third faster than it is disintegrating, which would give us older dates. Also, it is known that some plants absorb C-14 at a much lower rate than the assumed normal rate, which would give the result of a longer period of time. The C-14 method subjectively allows for contamination, fractionation, and recalibration whenever needed. There are gross discrepancies, the chronology is uneven and relative, and the “accepted dates” are actually biased and unscientific selected dates. The other 50 percent of the dates that fall short of the evolutionary standard for longer time are considered unnecessary and conveniently removed from the record. Basically, every date that is reported to the public is contrived in this manner. Future generations will ridicule the arrogant foolishness of our current generation’s willful ignorance and love affair with the fairytale that Darwin popularized. They will laugh at how the dates were manipulated, just so people could look “credible” while they continued to believe in the evolutionary mythology. I believe our great grandchildren will find our current generation’s mentality more appalling than the superstitious generations of the so-called Dark Ages!
To demonstrate the problems with radiocarbon dating, let’s look at a few examples, out of thousands that could be cited. A living mollusk’s shell was dated to be 2,300 years old, and a freshly slaughtered seal was dated to be 1300 years old, while a thirty-year-old mummified seal’s carcass was found to be 4,600 years old (From Evidence for Creation, by McLean, Oakland & McLean, p. 45, published by Whitaker House). So, the next time the reader hears a ludicrous report about some caveman’s remains that were discovered and found to be 25,000 years old (even though the maximum range of carbon dating is around only 10,000 years), or that some fossil or rock formation is “millions or even billions of years old” you will now know how they came up with those fictitious figures.
Few people today realize the history of how the geologic time scale was produced and sold to the public as science. Just as few realize that the geologic time scale, as it has been drawn up, does not actually exist anywhere on the Earth, as it is only found in the textbooks and museums where the atheistic worldview is promoted. It is one, among many, of the atheistic trade secrets used to promote their false religion.
It’s worth briefly repeating that Charles Lyell concocted the modern geologic time scale from his very vivid imagination (and his personal hatred of God) with the help of the philosophy of Uniformitarianism, which he adapted from James Hutton. This “dating game” began through a desperate attempt by sinful men to try to erase the global flood and remove God, as the intelligent Designer/Creator of all the great complexity we call life, from both history and any remembrance within the minds of men for all generations to come. The atheists willfully think up this kind of nonsense to try to rid themselves of God, to whom they must one day give an account (Hebrews 9:27). Atheists are actually deluded enough to believe that they have the power to make the truth disappear, if they can come up with an alternative that seems believable, when it is spun just the right way.
Food for thought: Since dating methods have been demonstrated to be extremely unreliable, is it wise to put our trust in them? If a stockbroker came to you claiming to have a perfect track record of success, yet when you checked up on him, you found that he had a dismal and consistent track record of serious failure, would you still invest your money with him? Certainly not, as he would fall into the category of a deceitful con artist! Similarly, why would we bank our intellectual stock on radiometric dating methods that are wholly unreliable, just because atheists are telling us we can trust the results? I find it interesting that people, to a much greater extent, are far more careful with their money than they are with their thinking, especially as it relates to their most valuable possession, their soul!
“And He summoned the multitude with His disciples, and said to them, ‘If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life shall lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s shall save it. For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul? For what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will also be ashamed of him when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.’” – Mark 8:34-38
Reference Articles:
The Collapse of Geologic Time:
Billion-fold Acceleration of Radioactivity Demonstrated in Laboratory: httpanswersingenesisgenesdocs2001o0321acc0321acc_beta_decay.asp
How accurate is Carbon-14 dating? httpanswersingenesisgenesdocs2002ocs2002/carbon_dating.asp
Starlight And Time
Without a doubt, one of the greatest stumbling blocks for people accepting biblical history and rejecting the fraudulent atheistic worldview is the stars in the heavens that appear to be over 10,000 light-years away from the planet Earth. This visual observation, which can be made by anyone, is what opened the door for the Uniformitarian philosophy to give the impression of having some possible merit. But Uniformitarianism fails completely when scientific principles are applied to it. Therefore, there is obviously another explanation.
Some wish to say that God just created it as we see it, already in place. But there is a better scientific and biblical account that offers acceptable insight to this alleged problem. First, we must look into the scientific evidence concerning how gravity effects time. The closer a time keeping device, such as a clock, is to a gravitational source, the slower it runs. Equally, the further the “clock” is from that same gravitational source the faster it will run. This has been proven with atomic clocks placed at sea level and on mountaintops. The clocks at sea level run slower, because when more gravitational force is applied it causes time to move slower. Thus, it was discovered that gravity distorts time! This observation has been given the name gravitational time dilation.
There is a very good theory that has been developed by a world-class PhD in physics, Dr. Russell Humphreys. Dr. Humphreys utilizes Einstein’s general theory of relativity to combine the biblical account of the “stretching of the heavens” (Isaiah 42:5 & Jeremiah 10:12) and the White Hole theory, which accounts for gravitational time dilation, to offer a very plausible explanation for the visual observations we can make concerning starlight and time. Thus, the title of Dr. Humphreys’ book on this subject, Starlight and Time, which is highly recommended reading for those who wish to pursue this topic further.
Dr. Humphreys points out in his book that the White Hole theory is just as well known in scientific circles as the Black Hole theory. I believe the main reason that the White Hole theory has gone largely unmentioned to the general public is that it can be utilized to support the creation model. The atheistic scientists, who control the information that is fed to their cohorts in the mainstream media, only wish for the Black Hole theory to be understood, as it is the idea that fits with the Big Bang theory and the overall atheistic worldview. Yes, a good deal of valuable scientific information is being deliberately censored and kept from public scrutiny. It’s the only way a myth of such magnitude, disguised as “science”, has been able to survive.
The White Hole theory is basically a black hole running in reverse. Instead of drawing everything around it into its vortex like a black hole would, a white hole pushes everything out away from its vortex. At the edge of the vortex of a white hole is the same event horizon that is believed to exist with a black hole. The event horizon is the place where light bends back on itself, unable to escape the gravitational pull of the hole’s vortex. This is where time effectively stands still, according to general relativity.
Therefore, objects positioned close to a white hole’s event horizon would have time pass very slowly (because of the gravitational pull or distortion on time), while comparative objects that expanded outward and distant in position from the vortex’s event horizon would have great lengths of time expressed upon them. This provides an adequate explanation to why the stars in the heavens appear to be over 10,000 light-years away from the planet Earth.
Also, with a white hole, the event horizon would eventually shrink to nothing, with only scattered matter moving away from a central point. This fits the sound scientific observations that the universe has expanded in the past, which strongly supports the common sense of a bounded universe with the Earth at, or every near, the point where it all began.
Contrary to this, the atheists start with an “arbitrary” assumption of an unbounded cosmos, which defies most of the observational evidence and common sense, because it’s the only way they can make their Big Bang theory (which needs a black hole) even remotely feasible. It’s the difference between black and white.
Although the White Hole theory has not been conclusively proven, it is a far better scientific theory than that of a Big Bang from out of a black hole, which fails miserably on several points.
Also, it should be mentioned that in using the White Hole theory, Dr. Russell Humphreys made several predictions of what we should see in the cosmos if it were true. Many of these predictions were fulfilled precisely, once the Hubble telescope was set up and information started to be gathered from it!
So, in summary, this new cosmology demonstrates that gravitational time dilation in the early universe could have meant that only a few days passed on Earth, while over 10,000 light-years of light could have been stretched out from the stars that were flung to the distant reaches of the cosmos. This fits well with the Genesis account of six ordinary 24-hour days for creation, while explaining the distant heavens we observe. All science will eventually agree with the Bible, for “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words shall not pass away” – Matthew 24:35. It’s time for those who say they hold to a biblical worldview to completely rely on the Word of God and stop listening to the atheistic pseudo-scientists!
The Big Bang Theory Is Scientifically Bankrupt
(Evidence For A Young Universe & A Young Earth)
The story goes like this, in the beginning, some 20 billion years ago, something, so infinitesimally small that it was basically nothing at all, exploded. Then, about 4.6 billion years ago, the Earth developed a hard rocky crust. After this, atmospheric conditions mysteriously developed and rain started to fall on the rocks leaching out elements that formed a special and very specific primordial soup with all its pre-life, non-living chemicals and gases. Then, a bolt of lightning from out of the blue struck the soup and spontaneously generated life from non-life, and here we are after a few more hundreds of millions of years of macroevolution, which developed from the first “simple” single cell organism.
For starters, have you ever witnessed a fiery explosion produce organization and life? Where did the non-toxic, life friendly atmosphere come from? Do you really believe we evolved from wet-rock residue? Additionally, there is no such thing as the imaginary “simple” single cell organism that the atheistic add to their fable. A single cell bacterium is more complicated in its make up than the best high-tech engineered spacecraft mankind can build with all of our intelligence and know how combined! How do the atheists get away with calling such nonsense, “science”, and publishing as if it were a fact in school textbooks? Could it be through forced taxation for funding which is used to support key government bureaucracies that the atheists control to keep their lie in place and restrict real evidence and other damaging information from the public’s ears?
Let’s take a fun look at how the myth of the big bang has “evolved” in the minds of the storytellers over a short period of time concerning the size of the initial “matter” that supposedly exploded. (Notice the progression of infinite wisdom in the list below. It’s as if each new teller of tales feels compelled to outdo his predecessor.)
- In the begginning Lemaitre declared – it was an expanse of cosmic material trillions upon trillions of miles wide that somehow exploded.
- In 1965 – it was refined to a mere 275 million miles in width.
- In 1972 – it was shaved down to 71 million miles in width.
- In 1974 – it went on the slim-fast plan and it was altered to only 54 thousand miles in width.
- In 1983 – it got a complete makeover and was reduced to one-trillionth the diameter of a proton. (This person must have really thought he topped them all, leaving no room for anyone to top him! But…)
- Currently – it has been mystically reduced to nothing at all. (In a lairs club anything can be topped!)
- Tomorrow – probably something like Star Trek’s anti-matter (sub-nothing).
- The Future – the size of the “anti-matter” will grow and grow with each new telling until it reaches the limits of what they think is our known universe and then beyond. After all, the best storyteller gets the most government funding.
(The last two are only intended as humorous examples of similar nonsense, even though the atheist’s ideas are quite comical all by themselves. Actually though, I wonder if I’d get the Noble Prize for physics if I would propose this anti-matter idea and make up a theory with some peculiar math to support it? I could become rich and be Time Magazines man of the year.)
Is The Big Bang Scientifically Realistic?
Besides the clear violation of the second law of thermodynamics and the law of biogenesis, there are several other problems with the feasibility of the foundational atheistic belief in the great fiery blast from the past. Below is a list of problems and interesting facts that demonstrate why the big bang theory and materialistic evolution, requiring long periods of time, are not realistic.
Supposedly, the big bang occurred from an insignificant amount of matter that was spinning very fast and then it exploded. So, if the big bang theory were correct, all the matter in the universe would be spinning in the same direction as it expanded outwardly into vacuous space. This is so because of the law of the conservation of angular momentum, which essentially states that all particles that fly off of a spinning object will rotate in the same direction, as that object, in a frictionless environment (like space).
But scientific observation shows us that at least two planets and 6 moons, of the more than 60 moons, in our solar system are spinning in an opposite direction from the rest. Some of the moons are even orbiting in the opposite direction! The atheists have absolutely no answer for this clear contradiction!
Red giant stars would not evolve into white dwarf stars in a short period of time. (Red to white is losing, not gaining, which is the opposite of what the myth of stellar evolution requires.) The star Sirius was observed to be red from as early as 2000 B.C. in Egypt up to Ptolemy in 150 B.C. Today Sirius is white! In approximately two millennia, it was observed to change from red to white. Yet, within the definable parameters of the fable of materialistic evolution, this could only happen over millions and millions of years. The fact that Sirius is a binary star makes no difference in the problem it creates for the evolutionists. This type of information absolutely perplexes the poor atheists, but it makes perfect sense within the basic laws of science, which readily point to the Creator.
Short term comets burn up all their material, exhausting themselves in about 10,000 years time, yet they were supposedly born at the beginning of the big bang billions of years ago. There should not be any of these comets left to observe. In an Effort to try to cover up this very evident problem, the evolutionists invented the Oort cloud theory, which assumes there is a “comet producing cloud” beyond our observable range that magically spits out new comets on a periodic basis. The whole theory was based of a math equation that was inaccurately calculated. Short term comets are strong evidence that the entire cosmos is less than 10,000 years old! Evolutionists wish to make creationists prove that the Oort cloud does not exist, when in reality the burden of proof is upon the atheistic scientists to prove that such an idea is both authentic and measurable and not just another clever lie to cover for a very bad theory.
Once again, the reader must realize that untruthfulness does not violate the atheistic scientist’s amoral ethic; so frequent inventions of science fiction to defend their dying theories should not shock anyone, since “truth” is completely relative to them. The atheist’s attitude about “truth” is the chief reason why the public should no longer accept evolutionary scientists as reliable sources of information concerning origins.
If a big bang happened from an exploding spinning vortex within a black hole, then we would see matter evenly distributed throughout the entire universe. Instead, we observe consolidated mixtures of star clusters and great voids.
If long periods of time were true, we would not still see heat being given off from Jupiter. Yet, Jupiter has been measured to be cooling off at a rapid pace. If it were very old it would not have any heat left to emit.
If the cosmos had been around for very long, we would no longer observe the rings of Saturn or the Earth’s moon. The rings of Saturn and the Earth’s moon are moving further away from their home planets at a constant rate. They would have been long gone after billions of years. Also, very serious tidal problems from the effects of the Earth’s moon being much closer over an extend period of evolutionary years would have wreak havoc for life on our planet. The Inverse Square Law states that if the distance is 1/4 for example, the force of the attraction between two objects is sixteen times greater (1/4 inverted is 4/1 or 4, and 4 squared is 16). What this basically amounts to is that land creatures would have received a deep-sea bath every time the moon orbited to their side of the planet “long ago when the moon was closer”. (This would make great fodder for a comic strip: “Hey look”, says the lizard to the fish, “I just miraculously evolved out of my fins and gills this morning into my brand new body with lungs and legs, aren’t I special”? The fish replies back, “I hope you can find something good to eat on those barren rocks you’re standing on, and real soon, because it will be your last meal”, as we see a 200-foot-high wall of water in the background about to slam the “evolved” lizard.)
If the Earth were a product of a big bang, the magnetic field of the Earth would have long since degenerated, due to a very measurable loss it its magnetic field. The atheistic response, that the Earth is a self-sustaining dynamo, like an electric generator, has gone completely unsubstantiated for more than fifty years. (In other words, they made it up). It has lost 6 % of its strength in only 150 years. Some scientists believe that the Earth’s magnetic field is decaying so rapidly that it cannot be more than 10,000 years old. Also, some believe that there is instability recorded in the magnetic field, instead of reversals. Either way, the evidence shows that the Earth’s magnetic field has been constantly and rather dramatically decaying, and thus the Earth could not be very old.
If the cosmos were billions of years old the Earth would not exist, because the Earth’s rotation is slowing down at a constant rate. If life on the Earth were many million years old, as the evolutionists suggest, the centrifugal force would have very likely made life impossible. If the earth’s age were even close to the billions of years that the atheists advocate, it would have literally ripped itself apart, due to the extremely high rate of rotational speed it would have had in the beginning.
A common misunderstanding in the field of geo-science is that the “science” of evolution has allowed the petroleum industry to discover where oil is found in the ground. Actually, it is merely the understanding of where the oil and gas are found in certain strata, which has absolutely nothing to do with any evolutionary interpretation for the age of the strata itself. The incorrect idea of how the strata were formed, very gradually collecting soil and dust over millions of years is the invention from James Hutton and Charles Lyell. The strata where oil and gas are found have been inaccurately dated to be millions of years old by this atheistic explanation (see chapter 14 “The Radiometric Dating Game”).
Yet, many oil fields today still contain enormous amounts of pressure that should have completely dissipated by now, if long periods of time were true. The oil in the ground is usually contained under high pressure. The dissipation rate of this pressure has been measured and in a time limit of only 10,000 to 100,000 years (at the extreme outside), the pressure should have all escaped and been gone long ago. So, why is it that we still have massive oilfields all over the world that have pressure in them? The young age of coal and a very easily demonstrated experiment of the rapid formation of coal in the laboratory fit only into a young age for the Earth. Coal and oil are formed from organic material. Noah’s catastrophic global flood around 4,500 years ago readily explains the rapid accumulation of vegetation and other organic material responsible for the Earth’s vast coal and oil reserves, whereas the evolutionary fable of the age of the Earth has no believable justification for this observable fact.
Radioactive coalifiedalified wood collapse the geologic time scale from hundreds of millions of years to just a few thousand years. Additionally, the foundational granites with their polonium radioactive halo finger prints invalidates the atheistic evolutionist’s basic assumption that everything can be measured on the basis of uniform radioactive decay. Without the certainty of this constant, and the other dating assumption problems that were mentioned in “The Radiometric Dating Game”, the entire structure upon which the atheistic, evolutionary geologic time scale is based (4.5 billion years), utterly disintegrates into pure fantasy. Polonium 218 has a half-life of 3 minutes and polonium 214 has a half-life of 164 microseconds – therefore, finding radiohalos fixed in the granites suggests rather strongly that these granites, many of which are considered to be the Earth’s foundational rocks, formed instantaneously and did not “cool down over billions of years”, as is needed to postulate the atheistic revision of the Earth’s history.
The sun shrinks at a measurable rate of five feet per hour. At this rate, going back just a million years in time, the sun would have been so close to the Earth that no life could have existed on this planet, at all, due to the solar radiation. Yet, evolutionists claim that man started his evolution over two million years ago and dinosaurs lived 70 million years ago. These unscientific ideas of evolution should have gone up in smoke some years ago. But this has been the only option for the atheistic religion and many of its followers can’t honestly tolerate the thought of being personally responsible to a Creator, God, so they remain in defiant denial.
Helium is given off through radioactive decay and it cannot escape the earth’s atmosphere. Additionally, the sun infuses even more helium into our atmosphere, which should yield an atmosphere thoroughly saturated with helium if the earth has been here for billion years. But the total amount in the atmosphere, from a favorable measurement for the atheists, is only 1/2000th of that expected. The helium originally escaped from rocks and helium emissions occur at a rather rapid rate. Yet, scientists have measured large amounts of helium in some of the “old” rocks, which refutes the idea that they have existed for billions of years and tells us that the Earth’s crustal rocks are actually young.
Galaxies are spinning and moving further away from their central point – if they were billions of years old they would have lost their spiral shape by now.
We observe Supernovas occurring approximately every 30 years, yet we only can see less than 300. There should be hundreds of millions of supernovas to observe if evolution where true. Also, the supernova remnants or (SNRs) should keep expanding for hundreds of thousands of years. Yet, there are no widely expanded (Stage 3) SNRs to observe. SNRs are relatively close to their original center, which does not express long periods of time for the universe.
Hemoglobin, along with complete red blood cells, has been found in some dinosaur bones that had yet to completely fossilize! Yet, this dino-blood could not have lasted more than a few thousand years in the best of conditions. So, dinosaurs did not go extinct 70 million years ago. There have even been several reports of dinosaur like creatures spotted in various places around the world through the last millennium. Currently, natives of the great Congo area (a largely uninhabited swamp region the size of Texas) in Africa are describing sightings of certain creatures that fit perfectly with specific kinds of known dinosaurs. A few Westerners are undertaking expeditions to try and find these creatures; news at eleven.
Petrified trees are commonly found implanted in an upright position through multiple layers of strata. The millions of years for the formation of each layer of strata is just one more evolutionary falsehood. For the trees could not have lasted a million years while waiting to be buried by the next layer. Catastrophe is the only answer. Although, many evolutionists are now admitting this, they only wish to agree with “many mini-catastrophes”, still wishing to dismiss the historic flood of Noah’s day.
The volcanic eruption of Mt. Saint Helens produced multi-layered strata formations, some hundreds of feet thick, that were laid down in a matter of days, some of them in just hours. A canyon 1/40 the scale of the Grand Canyon was carved out of solid rock mudflow in one day! Many dislodged trees that ended up in Spirit Lake have sunk to the bottom and are standing in an upright position, as layers of sediment build up around them. These trees are a demonstration in how trees can be found upright through multiple layers of sedimentary strata. A global catastrophe with water easily and scientifically explains how three quarters of the earth is cover with sedimentary layers filled with fossils. This is the best explanation for the massive fossil graveyard all over the world or “billions of dead things buried in rock layers that were laid down by water all over the Earth” (Ken Ham). Science now demonstrates that strata form sideways in a rapid fashion, one layer on top of the other through water action, instead of gradual strata formation, slowly over long periods of time (which is a perfect explanation of what the global flood would have produced with the fountains of the deep exploding out massive volumes of water and volcanoes erupting, creating one tidal wave after another). To see the technically detailed article on strata formation visit the following web page:
The human population on the planet Earth fits the biblical/historical model. If everything was restarted about 4,500 years ago with eight people, factoring in every variable for increasing and decreasing population growth, we should see a population of around six billion people today. If the human race started a few million years ago we should see around 150,000 people per square inch today. How many people do you see? Would you rather trust your eyes or someone who thinks “truth” is whatever they want to make it to be?
The largest desert in the world, the Sahara has only been developing and expanding for around 4000 years. The oldest tree alive is only 4,300 years old. The Great Barrier Reef is less than 4,200 years old. What a strange coincidence, Noah’s global flood took place about 4,400 to 4,500 years ago. These are only three of many examples that could be sighted that point to the fact that we are living in a post-flood era, and not in some post-prehistoric time frame. Again, the philosophy of Uniformitarianism was developed by atheists to revise the history concerning Noah’s flood. The reality of God and His judgment is the last thing atheists want to acknowledge. Unfortunately, for the atheists, they are only putting off the inevitable, a meeting with God. It is much better to recognize Him now and meet God on His gracious terms as a Savior, than to meet Him as an enemy in final judgment (John 3:18, 36).
Questions “Big Bangers” can’t even hope to honestly answer:
Where did the matter come from? (God made it and holds it together – Colossians 1:16-17)
Where did the energy come from? (God energized the universe – Genesis chapter one)
Where did the laws come from? (God is the law giver – Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy)
Yet, the creation model has no problem with God establishing these things from Himself from the beginning of His creation until now.
Even the famous astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle was force to admit, “I have little hesitation in saying that a sickly pall now hangs over the big bang theory”. Give it up Fred, it flat-lined along time ago!
To see more evidence for the ‘Young’ Age of the Earth/Universe visit the following web page: and
(Taken from Pastor Robert Jeffress series, “How Can I Know?”)
There are many things that tell us God is there:
1.) The cosmological evidence: Why is there something, rather than nothing? The naturalist had dogmatically concluded – Nothing x No One = Everything. This defies all the observable laws of science, and it is a serious contradiction for the atheist who claims to base all their science on order, instead of random chaos. Trying to make such a wild exception for the origin of the universe is unscientific nonsense and it is why they run away from the term they first used, spontaneous generation, because they know how foolish it makes them look, even though they still want to believe in it.
2.) The teleological evidence: How do one explain the extremely complex design within our universe? It took just the right amount of initial matter to make it. Where did that matter come from? There are at least 122 necessary components that have to be in existence PERFECTLY for the earth to sustain life. Slight imbalances in any direction for most all of them would cancel out all life as we know it. The right mix of atmosphere, the correct distance from the sun, the right gravity that must remain very steady, etc. The odds of this are 10 to the 138th power.
HOWEVER, it gets even more impossible when we more down to examine things on the cellular level. All the parts had to be in place and functioning at the same time in the beginning, which has been estimated to be about a 1 in 10 to the 40,000th power by the well-respected scientist Sir Fred Hoyle. Anything over 1 in 10 to the 200th power is considered outside the possibility of any random chance, regardless of the amount of time one would wish to give it. Thus, even if one took the flawed position of an eternal universe (it is expanding and thus had a beginning and this is contrary to the 2nd law of thermodynamics), it still would never happen by itself.
This problem was one of many reasons why the invention of “multiple universes” was created. Yet, the existence of multiple universes would be harder to prove than God, which only proves just how remarkable the faith of some atheists really can be. And that’s just one cell, think of the trillions of complex cells that make up the human body to form even higher complex mechanisms like the eye! The multiple universe theory is like saying that if you put all the parts for a jetliner in an infinite number of wind tunnels for an infinite amount of time, eventually a jet would come together just like one assembled at the factor. Sorry, but chunky dust is the best you would ever get from such an absurd method.
3.) The anthropological evidence: How do you explain mankind, without a Designer/Creator? Our existence – observational science demonstrates to us repeatedly on a daily basis that life only comes from life (the law of biogenesis). Human consciousness – our awareness of ourselves (rocks can’t do that), our awareness of God (animals don’t build alters and idols, or burn incense).
Why would humans accept persecution and death for their belief, unless they innately understand they were made for another world (the spiritual dimension beyond the material existence)? If it were just some “genetic defect” as the atheist wish to postulate, then why does over 90 % of humanity believe in a God of some kind? Genetic defects are commonly found in the minority of the population of a species, so this argument would actually mean it is the atheists that are defective.
Finally, how would you explain our awareness of morality (right and wrong)? Those who would say there are no absolutes (an oxymoron) would be quick to say it was wrong for someone to rape and kill them and steal everything they had without consequence. Some counter with it is all taken from “society’s opinion”, yet when society decides to enslave, rape, murder, or steal from THEM, then that opinion can be conveniently be overridden. The arguments against moral awareness are vain and hypocritical.
4.) The experiential evidence: Why do people keep finding God if He does not exist? Over 500 eyewitnesses saw the resurrected Christ. The disciples did not expect the resurrection, as they went into hiding after Jesus was crucified. They went on, after seeing the evidence of Jesus resurrected to tell the whole world, displaying the same miraculous power Jesus did and at a great cost to themselves; against their own self-interests.
There is the choice to follow the objective evidence, which is all around us, or there is the subjective choice to believe something else in spite of the evidence. And don’t think it does not matter either, for as Mortimer Adler said, “More consequences for life and action follow from the affirmation or denial of God, than from any other question”.
How Can I Know the Bible is True?
(Taken in part from Pastor Robert Jeffress series on “How Can I Know”, and from information with The New Evidence That Demands A Verdict By Josh McDowell.)
First, what does it mean that the Bible is true?
It speaks forth God’s authoritative message to mankind concerning doctrine, theology, character, purpose, etc. without error. It is a finished product that cannot and will not be overturned with time.
The Bible itself makes these claims, which is important, because if it did not, then any claim of authority would be coming from just the outside and the critics would be quick to assert that the Bible never made such a claim for its authority from the Creator. But it does.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 states, “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.”
Jesus said, “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished.” (Matthew 5:17-18)
Jude 3 states, “Beloved, while I was making every effort to write you about our common salvation, I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints.”
It is stated in Galatians 1:8, “But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed!”
Also, God made it clear that the Bible was not to be altered, “You shall not add to the word which I am commanding you, nor take away from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you”. (Deuteronomy 4:2) “Whatever I command you, you shall be careful to do; you shall not add to nor take away from it”. (Deuteronomy 12:32) “I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues which are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book.” (Revelation 22:18-19)
Yet, one of the best proofs is that God challenged anyone else to write a book and predict the future has He has in His word. “Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts: ‘I am the first and I am the last,
And there is no God besides Me. ‘Who is like Me? Let him proclaim and declare it; yes, let him recount it to Me in order, from the time that I established the ancient nation.
And let them declare to them the things that are coming and the events that are going to take place’” (Isaiah 44:6-7).
And again, God seals it by saying, “for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.” (2 Peter 1:21)
As Dr. Charles Ryrie put it, “Inspiration is God’s superintending of human authors so that, using their own individual personalities, they composed and recorded without error in the words of the original autographs His revelation to man”.
Some of it was direct word for word (i.e., the Ten Commandments written by the finger of God and various prophetic words given) and some of it was given indirectly through the anointing of the Holy Spirit. (See Exodus 20, Isaiah 1:2, Jeremiah 1:1-2, Psalm 95:7b-8, and Hebrews 3:7 relating to Psalm 95 for just a few.)
It is important to understand that God’s “revelation” does include mentioning the lies of Satan and men, emotional outbursts and situations, quotes from non-believers and the record of certain sins committed (even by those who wrote it, which is telling of its inspiration, because this is not what people would normally do, if they were making it up or writing it to talk about themselves).
The words of the original texts were without error. Minor and insignificant copyist’s errors do exist, but no doctrinal truth is altered one bit by them. Additionally, there are certain translation/version problems, because anyone can write their own adaptation, and several have done just that, because of the profit on book sales that the Bible generates. So, one must be careful in selecting a scholarly version that was done by people who wished to remain true to the manuscripts from the originals. The NASB and ESV are quality translations.
The authority and authenticity of the Bible was claimed by Jesus several times:
And He answered and said, “Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? (Matthew 19:4-5)
But He answered and said to them, “An evil and adulterous generation craves for a sign; and yet no sign will be given to it but the sign of Jonah the prophet; for just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the sea monster, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” (Matthew 12:39-40)
“For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be.” (Matthew 24:37-39)
“But regarding the resurrection of the dead, have you not read what was spoken to you by God: ‘I am (not was) the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? He is not the God of the dead but of the living.” (Matthew 22:31-32)
And again, Jesus said, “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished.” (Matthew 5:17-18)
The authority and authenticity of the Bible was claimed by the apostles as well:
Paul demonstrated it in 1 Timothy 5:18 where he wrote, “For the Scripture says, ‘You shall not muzzle the ox while he is threshing,’ (from Deuteronomy 25:4) and ‘The laborer is worthy of his wages’ (from Luke 10:7)”.
Peter showed it in 2 Peter 3:15-16 where he stated, “and regard the patience of our Lord as salvation; just as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given him, wrote to you, as also in all his letters, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which the untaught and unstable distort, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction.”
Fulfilled Prophecy makes its own case.
There are numerous examples of this. One is the prophecy concerning Cyrus, the ruler of Persia. In Isaiah 44:28 it states, “It is I who says of Cyrus, ‘He is My shepherd!
And he will perform all My desire.’ And he declares of Jerusalem, ‘She will be built,’ And of the temple, ‘Your foundation will be laid.’” This was stated in 539 BC well before Cyrus had even been born, one 150 years in advance, that Cyrus would be the name of the ruler, who would order the return of the Jews to their land!
Another example is found when Isaiah prophesied in 700 B.C. that Babylon (not a real power then, to be a threat to Israel at the time) would overthrow Judah, which happened over a century later in 586 B.C. (Isaiah 39:5-6). Also, Isaiah and Daniel predicted that Persia would then, in turn, conquer Babylon afterward. (Isaiah 21:9 and Daniel 2:36-39; 8:20)
Prophecies concerning Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
There were over 61 major prophecies for the Messiah. Of these 61, many of them were entirely beyond human manipulation for a would-be-“messiah”. Things like the place of His birth (Micah 5:2), the time of His birth (Daniel 9:25), the manner of His birth (Isaiah 7:14), His betrayal for thirty pieces of silver (Zechariah 11:12), the manner of His death (Psalm 22:16), for crucifixion had not even been invented at that time, the people’s reaction to His death (Psalm 22:7-8) and His burial in a rich man’s tomb (Isaiah 53:9).
If we take just eight of these types of non-manipulative prophecies, the odds of probability for their fulfillment would be 1 x 10 to the 17th power. The odds of just eight of these types of prophecy being fulfilled would be like piling up the entire state of Texas with silver dollars, two feet deep and then putting an X on one and randomly burying it somewhere in the mix. Then, we would send a blind man into the state, ask him to wander around for miles and miles, and then finally at a whim reach down and put up one coin, and never have another chance to try again. The chances of him selecting the coin with the X on it are 1 x 10 to the 17th power. It’s not going to happen! And that’s just eight of the prophecies!
The Unity of the Bible.
Just think about all the controversial topics that the Bible covers: The character of God, man, Satan, sin, Heaven, Hell, origins, morals, etc. Yet, we have an amazing consistency of theme and topics from the beginning to end. What makes this so astonishing is that the Bible was written by 40 different authors over 1500 year time span, on at least three continents (separated by 2000 miles) and in three different languages. These people came from all walks of life and various cultural influences. They held different positions, from kings to poor men, from priests to shepherd and from prophets to refugees. Some wrote when happy, others when depressed.
To understand just how phenomenal this really is let’s move this into our modern world and severely limit the variables. Let’s say we took 40 people all working in the same country (say France), speaking the same language, from the same culture, and all working in the same field (say accounting). Then, we asked each of these 40 individuals to write down for us their personal views of just origins, God, morals, Heaven, Hell, mankind and Satan. Then, we would collect all 40 separate volumes and put them together a one big book and call it “the Bible”. What do you think we would have??? This would be the greatest laughable joke of contradiction and nonsense ever compiled! Although some very ignorant and arrogant people on planet Earth love to run around claiming this is the case with the Bible, it’s just not so, and it is nothing like the mess we would have if the Bible had been just randomly scribbled down by men over a millennium and a half.
Again, the odds of this happening by sheer chance would be like having random people, subjectively bring hundreds of thousands of parts to a specific warehouse, over 1500 years. Then, after the 1500 years all the parts would be assembled together into a perfect cathedral without any single piece missing or broken. The supernatural is all over this phenomenon and denying the obvious fact of it, just because one chooses to be a die-hard naturalist, is truly an extreme state of foolishness.
Moreover, when we look at other books like the Book of Mormon, which has no real historical support or the Qur’an, which was only written down by one man (a violation of the number of {two or three} witnesses for verification from the Law of Moses, by the way), yet none of its 114 Surahs focus on a single theme. This is why even though such books attempt to use the Bible as a basis for where their faith comes from, they directly contradict it in many ways.
Early Acceptance of the Bible’s Message in Cultures That Were Hostile to it.
The extent and repetition of acceptance of the message of Jesus Christ during the generation that could verify or deny the reality of the events and miracles could not have happened if it had all just been made up. Many devout Jews and staunch pagans completely changed their faith and practices, often at the rejection from their culture and family. In Jerusalem more than 10,000 Jews became followers of Jesus after His resurrection, following the miracle At Pentecost. This kind of massive shift of belief does not take place in a vacuum, or without dramatic evidence.
Most of the New Testament books were written between 40-65 A.D., as not one of them mentioned the fulfillment of Jesus prediction of the city of Jerusalem and the temple being destroyed, which took place in 70 A.D., which would have been noteworthy.
Jesus Christ – a true historical person.
Rarely, someone will go so far as to claim Jesus Christ was not even a true historical person, which is completely absurd on its face, because the same person would not deny Julius Caesar or Alexander the Great, yet there is far more documented evidence for Jesus Christ. They will go on to vainly assert that there is nothing outside the Bible that mentions the existence of Jesus.
Sadly, there are some people that no matter how much proof you present to them they will never believe it anyway, not because it is not true and well documented, but rather because it interferes with their false belief system, and their ornery, self-justified rebellious position against God.
In his book, The New Evidence That Demands A Verdict, Josh McDowell, a former embittered atheist himself, givens a plethora of well documented evidence supporting the validity of the Bible. In this area McDowell points out that there where many extra-biblical historical references to Jesus Christ, and they usually were from people who were antagonistic to Christianity, which makes them very good witnesses, since they had nothing to gain by admitting the existence to the historical reality of something they disdained. Many of these individuals are well regarded as excellent historians as well. There was Cornelius Tacitus, Lucian of Samosata, Suetonius, Pliny the Younger, Thallus, Phlegon, Mara Bar-Serapion and yes, Josephus. The notable details and documentation are all in McDowell’s book for those who need to see them.
Archaeological Evidences – Although archaeology cannot prove the Bible conclusively, because we likely won’t ever dig up everything, it has never controverted the Bible, which is highly significant. Further, considering just how much has been dig up over the years showing the Bible’s historicity to be valid, it is strong verification that goes well beyond coincidence.
Evidence For The Old Testament
In 1964, the ancient clay tablets of Ebla found in northern Syria from the third millennia B.C. mentioned some of the same ancient cities that the Bible speaks of, i.e., Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19), which critics said never existed, because the cities were only found in the Bible. (The attitude/bias that some hold against the Bible is unfounded, yet often very strong. So, they take the position that since they do not wish to believe the Bible, if there is no other reference to support it, then it could never have existed, period. Such critics have been humiliated often by the latest archaeological discovery. Yet, they never seem to learn.)
Jericho (Joshua 6) is another example. Archaeologists found evidence for the sudden collapse of the cities walls and that the city had not been plundered, but burned. This fits the biblical account perfectly.
Ashpenaz (Daniel 1:3) used to be ridiculed as a fictitious character, which was cited as “proof” by the skeptics that the book of Daniel was just a made up story. Yet, a brick was dug up from the ruins of 6th century B.C. Babylon with his name on it.
Even the great king David was considered to be pure Jewish mythology by the hardened doubters, but in 1994 an inscription was unearthed which verified the “House of David”, as if that was needed for any reasonable person.
Evidence For The New Testament
Luke’s gospel – Sir William Ramsey was a skeptic that sought to discredit the Bible by doing a series of archaeological digs to dispel the Bible’s historical record. Ramsey particularly focused in on Luke’s gospel, thinking it would be easy to expose. However, Ramsey repeatedly found that when he explored and investigated for evidence, he found it to be exactly as Luke had recorded it. At first, he was stunned, but as his investigation continued over time, he became convinced that Luke was a foremost historian, who had been very accurate and detailed in his record. So much so, that he gave his life to Christ!
Caiaphas the High Priest (Matthew 26:57) and Pontius Pilate (Matthew 27:2) have been verified by archaeological finds, as well as the theatre in Ephesus, where Christians disciples associated with Paul were nearly put to death. These examples are being mentioned here, because the ardent cynics have tried to use these issues as “proof” that the Bible could not possibly be true. Sadly, this type of person will usually just move on to the next available excuse/item that no outside proof has been discovered for yet and continue on in their assertion that the Bible could not possibly be true, all the while completely ignoring the many significant finds that do verify the bible’s historic authenticity.
Common Objections To The Trustworthiness Of The Bible
The claim is made that there were too many copying errors by the scribes throughout the centuries. Yet, here it is important to consider just how manuscript support and authentication is actually determined for any ancient piece of literature. There are two factors that this determination is qualified by: the number of surviving manuscripts and the distance of time between the original writing and the surviving copies.
Manuscript support for the Old Testament
About 10,000 manuscripts or pieces of manuscripts are available for inspection concerning the Old Testament. The scribes’ manner of copying was extremely meticulously checked and rechecked before being accepted. Only a few mistakes were all it took for their long hours of copying to be rejected and burned, so that it could not be passed on.
However, a great testament to the accuracy in the copying that was done for the Old Testament writings is found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, which were first discovered in 1947, preserved in large clay jars in caves near the Dead Sea. These Scroll have been dated to no earlier that 100 B.C. by the hardest critics, with some scholars saying they could go back as far as 400 B.C. The majority of scholars have settled somewhere in the middle around 125-250 B.C.
The reason this is significant is two-fold. First, before the Dead Sea Scroll discovery, the latest manuscript copy of the Old Testament was right around 900 A.D. In other words, the Dead Sea Scroll were at least 1000 years removed/older than the previous manuscript copies, believed to be the oldest still in existence. But that was nothing. It was only when the two were compared that the amazing copying accuracy was seriously verified for our modern time period. For instance, there was a complete copy of the book of Isaiah that was found to be over 95% perfect, word of word. The small number of discrepancies was found in words like “of” and “with”, or “in” and “on”, which did not change the meaning of the context. In fact, no significant change in meaning was discovered, causing the vast majority of scholars to agree that we still do have an intact/correct rendition of the original that has been well preserved. This discovery alone puts to rest the many lies concocted about the Bible being secretly confiscated in mass all over the world and then redone by corrupt priests sometime after the first century and through the twentieth century and then cleverly redistributed. Yes, I know this is absurd and utterly laughable, but you might be surprised just how many people actually believe this fairy tale as a “justification” for rejecting the authority of the Bible.
Manuscript support for the New Testament
Nearly 25,000 manuscripts or pieces of manuscripts are available for inspection concerning the New Testament. This number of manuscripts is so prolific that out of some 20,000 lines in the Greek New Testament, only 40 are in question. That’s 99.998% purity! More importantly, not one tiny fraction, of the 40 lines, has any relevance on any Christian doctrine!
When we combine this with the nearness of the originals, which was previously pointed out that most had been written prior to 70 A.D., to the comparatively short number years between the originals and the surviving manuscripts, there really is no question of the New Testaments authenticity, accuracy and authority (because it is true and clearly demonstrates itself to be the divine word of God).
These figures do not even take into account all of the documented manuscripts of the quotes of Scripture from just seven of the early Patristic (church leaders’) quotations, which are in agreement with the surviving manuscripts of the New Testament. Over 36,000 quotes from the New Testament have been found to date that verify the authenticity of the original biblical manuscripts.
To grasp the gravity of this, just take a look at how the New Testament stacks up against all other major literary works of antiquity, for distance between the original and the number of copies that have survived!
Homer Iliad 800 B.C. 400 B.C. 400 yrs. 643
Herodotus History 480-425 B.C. 900 A.D. 1350 yrs. 8
Thucydides History 460-400 B.C. 900 A.D. 1300 yrs. 8
Plato 400 B.C. 900 A.D. 1300 yrs. 7
Caesar Gallic Wars 100-44 B.C. 900 A.D. 1000 yrs. 10
Tacitus Annals 100 A.D. 1100 A.D. 1000 yrs. 20
Pliny Secundus Nat. Hist. 61-113 A.D 850 A.D. 850 yrs. 7
The New Testament 40-100 A.D. 150-325 A.D. 50-225 yrs. 5366
No one questions the historic authenticity of these other literary works of history, even though they have far less support. Therefore, the common objections and claims that the Bible is impure, a copy of a copy of a copy, etc., or that it was changed and redone at some point between the original writings and our modern day, so that can no longer be trusted, are merely sheer fanciful thinking by those who do not care for its authority. This is the real reason it is constantly, viciously attacked and slandered, because its meaning is both true and final concerning the souls of mankind. The likes of Homer, Caesar and Plato are no threat to the wicked and unbelieving, but Jesus Christ is. This is why the attacks against God’s holy word will not stop until Jesus returns.
How Did We Get The Bible In Its Present Form?
(In other words, who decided which writings or books were valid and which were not?)
The Old Testament Canon (Standard).
Two main tests were used to examine authenticity of the biblical text. The bibliography test and the internal evidence test. The bibliography test involves the accuracy of textual transmission of the copying process. As mentioned previously, the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls has basically put an end to the imaginations that the critics have invented over the years about this. Sadly though, many of the same, well refuted “evidences” of skeptics in the past are still regurgitated by many who would just prefer not believe.
Also, many of the claims to alternate authorship, and thus authenticity, are still commonly parroted. For instance, the Torah (Pentateuch or the first five books of the Bible) where written by Moses. Yet, liberal (unbelieving) “higher” critics (or the so-called “Christian” intellectuals) invented four separate authors for the Torah (JEDP) and claimed it was written much later (400-500 B.C.) than the time of Moses, with many clever contentions (lies) cited as proof. They had many people fooled until the Samaritan copy from 700 A.D. was brought to the forefront of the debate. The Samaritan copy could only have been copied from an earlier version and thus the JEDP criticism was completely discredited. Nevertheless, there are those who still use it today as “proof” for the reason they do not believe the Bible.
The Old Testament is replete throughout, with passages that tell us it was passed down from generation to generation in a very public way (cf. Deuteronomy 31:24-26, Joshua 24:26, 1 Samuel 10:25 and Zechariah 7:12 – for but a few examples). It was even carried into captivity, understood and acted upon (Daniel 9:2).
The internal evidence is the history and documentation of people, places and events through archaeology. The list for this area is far too extensive to even begin to adequately address. Nonetheless, as mentioned previously, the ancient tablets of Ebla from the third millennia B.C. confirmed the real historical data of a great deal of the names and places found in the Bible. Egyptian chariot wheels from the time period of Moses have now been found at the bottom of the Red Sea, on both sides of the crossing, where God had parted the water ( The real Mt. Sinai in southern Saudi Arabia, with a charred mountain top and the near-by rock that was split and water miraculously poured out of it, when struck by Moses have been found as well (
Again, critics have repeatedly claimed that a certain city or person never existed, just because no evidence outside of the Bible had yet been discovered. Yet, things like the “non-existent” Hittite civilization just keep being dug up, one after the other, repeatedly verifying the Bible gives us a reliable historic record. Again, no archaeological find has ever contradicted the Bible.
Contrast this to the book of Mormon, where archaeology has never been able to be used to verify any of the wild claims of Joseph Smith’s invented great civilizations that supposedly once occupied the Americas, even though Mormons have been digging for evidence for 150 years!
The 39 books of the Old Testament were established at the very latest in 250 B.C., as this was when they had been copied and complied into the Septuagint, or the Greek language version of the 39 books of the Old Testament. The themes had to remain consistent about God, His plan and man’s purpose. The prophetic inspiration given in the Bible’s pages had to pass the test of being non-contradictory, which they have. All these things together show us why the Bible can be trusted as God’s authoritative word.
What about the Apocrypha (the word means hidden or doubtful)?
The Apocrypha was added at a later date to the Septuagint, however the Jewish religious leaders never recognized it, as it did not match the supernatural inspiration or compare to the divine authenticity of the other 39 books. Jesus never recognized it as well. Although it contains some good history, it also contains some contradictory passages, which is the main reason it was rejected as being on par with the other inspired books of the Bible. Even the Catholic Church did not officially recognize it until 1600 years later.
The New Testament Canon (Standard).
Within the New Testament itself, an extensive internal verification was given for much of it. Peter validated all of the writings of Paul, even though the two of them did not always get along and Peter admitted Paul’s words were hard to understand at times (2 Peter 3:15-16 and Galatians 2:11-14). As previously mentioned, Paul validated both the Old and New Testaments in 1 Timothy 5:18. Paul goes on to say in Galatians 1:8 that if anyone, human or angelic, should offer us an alternative gospel that God’s divine curse would be upon them! Jude confirmed that the faith had been delivered, once for all, and that the words of Jesus Christ and the apostles were all valid (Jude 3 & 17). The 27 books of the New Testament canon were “officially” recognized and accepted at the council of Hippo in 393 A.D. and this recognition has held since that time, in spite of many attacks against it.
What About The Gnostic “Gospels”?
The Gnostic gospels have been repeatedly used in an attempt to assault the canon of the New Testament. However, none of these writings were done by first hand witnesses and most were penned well into the second and third centuries A.D. These extra books were immediately rejected by the church leaders as being fraudulent, for they denied the humanity of Jesus (that he had a human body), saying He was only present in spirit. Several other heresies are contained within them as well, which is why they are so popular with non-Christian critics.
What about the “errors” and “contradictions” in the Bible?
Language of appearance (or metaphors).
The prophet Isaiah used language of appearance, much like we do today. In Isaiah 11:12 he spoke about “the four corners of the earth”. Atheists jump all over this and say this proves he believed the world was flat and anyone who believes the Bible is true, must also think the earth is flat. Yet, everyday we can turn on the news and weather report and hear about when the sun will “rise” and “set” each day. Still, we know it is just the rotation of the earth and not the sun rising and setting. The poetic books in the Bible, like the Psalms, use much of this kind of language. Sadly, for centuries, cynics who hate God’s word have used these kinds of examples to mock and ridicule the Holy Scriptures and those who would believe them, without just cause.
Copyists’ errors.
2 Chronicles 22:2 and 2 Kings 8:26 is an example of a copying error. Was Ahaziah 42 or 22 years old when he became king? He had to be 22 or he would have been older than his father. Copying errors are generally very easy to recognize and resolve. No copying errors have ever had any effect on the understanding of any of the biblical doctrines, as they appear in the minuscule and fairly mundane details, not in places that carry eternal significances, which is why I believe God allowed it.
Poor translations (into another language like English).
An example of this is found in Matthew 13:32, where Jesus was making a comparison of faith to a mustard seed. The text states in the English “this is smaller than all other seeds”. However, the Greek states that Jesus was saying it was the least of all the seeds in a local context of the area He was in, not the entire world. Greek is a very precise language and English is not, as it has been very fluid, changing often over time. Thus, there are many English language “distortions” from the Greek that have been picked on by skeptics to promote their unbelief.
Alleged Contradictions.
Approximations (the partial and the whole)
Again, the cynics are looking for anything, not to believe, and so they often refuse to be careful or honest with the whole context. An example of this would be in the area of approximations. Numbers 25:9 lists 24,000 dying in relation to a particular event and 1 Corinthians 10:8 speaks of only 23,000 falling in one day connected to the same event. The skeptic then laughingly mocks; explaining Bible believers must not be able to count either. However, what they conveniently missed was the time frame within the context. The 23,000 fell in “one day”. The 24,000 was the total body count from the entire event.
For instance, Luke 6 and Matthew 5-7 are considered by the skeptics to be the exact same account, yet it differs. Jesus likely taught on the same topic many times during the years of His ministry. Thus, the message would have had much similarity, but it cannot be expected to be a perfect word for word repetition. Speakers will commonly vary their message to fit the crowd they are speaking to, so expecting a word for word match is ludicrous. Also, Matthew was a direct witness and Luke went around interviewing several eyewitnesses compiling their accounts, thus this could simply be complementary eyewitness accounts of the same event. Similar to eyewitnesses of a bank robbery, with several different accounts on how it went down, yet nobody would deny that the bank was robbed! This is picking at the position of the gnats on the elephant, so one can attempt to deny the existence of elephant altogether. This mentality is common among skeptics and it should be understood by anyone who would bother to listen to them.
The eyewitness accounts of the resurrection of Jesus Christ vary this way. One witness points out two angels at the tomb, while another says there was one. However, the witness did not say there was “only” one; they just focused on the one, which is not a contradiction, but simply another corresponding account from a different viewpoint.
Conclusion: The Almighty Creator took the time to communicate His love and standard/terms for mercy through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in men and by the visitation of Himself in the form of God, the Son. He has accurately preserved the record of this communication and His love for us in the Bible. We have sinned against Him and death is the penalty for each sin we have committed. We have built the house without windows, locked the door and set the place on fire. He stands at the door and knocks, asking us if we want to be rescued by Him. Unfortunately, most will reject His help (His forgiveness through Christ alone). Instead, they will seek to find a way out of the fire in that locked room on their own. But sin and death are too strong for them and they will never succeed, but rather parish in their own futile attempt at righteousness.
Answering The “WHY GOD?” Questions
Among the most asked questions in the history of humanity are the inquiries about why God allows things like suffering, injustice, abusive and hurtful criminal activity and sin in general to be so rampant on the Earth, the jewel of His Creation?
The answer is rather simple, but it is not that easy for the hardened human heart to heed and desire to honestly understand, because of what it actually points out.
First, God did not create human beings as robots, He gave us free will choice concerning our life here on Earth, as well as for our future destiny once we leave our physical, earthly bodies behind. God created us to be able to have a deep, loving relationship with Him, on a very personal level; something you just cannot have without free will choice. Unfortunately, free will choice has a down side too, because rebellion, cruelty, hatred, dismissal, complete selfishness or apathy toward our Creator or our fellowman are just a few of the other options that choice makes available to the human race and we have the tendency to exercise these types of options in abundance.
The other great truth involved with these questions is a major stumbling block for those who have exercised their “right” to choose to rebel (consciously and subconsciously). It deals with the fact that God is the Creator and He has made all things (including humans) to be for His glory (not ours). This means that everything is ultimately going to glorify the HOLY, ALMIGHTY CREATOR, and no human will stand in their own glory before Him for what we have done.
Simply put, it is about HIM, not us. We exist for His glory, or His purposes and plans to glorify Himself (Colossians 1:15-17). Most cannot accept this truth, and it would be a hard thing to endure if God was not HOLY, or perfect, righteous (always right) and full of the highest wisdom in all His ways, but He is (Isaiah 6:1-4 & Isaiah 55:8-9).
This is where we humans get into trouble, because we have a strong tendency to dislike God’s righteous ways and we rebel against our Creator. Sometimes it is open rebellion, but most often it is through a subtle form of rebellion, usually one which can be rationalized and justified within the realm of human reasoning, so that it is made out to be “okay” or acceptable for ourselves and our human peers. A good example of this is turning the Ten Commandments into “the ten suggestions” or removing them entirely from our thinking (like in the public square) and doing just as we please, disregarding God’s clear instructions for right and wrong.
Our rebellion, and all the fruit from it, answers WHY so many things are wrong in this world. But, that is not the answer a rebel wants to hear, because it leaves them in a bad place (Revelation 20:11-15) and they don’t want to give up their sinful rebellious ways, so they will continue questioning.
First, God alone is “good”. We humans wish to put our spin on what or who is “good”, then turn around and question God from our redefined position. Second, sin has infected everything and everyone on the planet and this is part of its destructive power. This is one big reason why God hates sin, because of the pain, suffering and death it brings to His creation. Third, we are all infected with sin and there is only one cure, the blood of Jesus Christ.
But WHY DID GOD NOT stop the tragedy, or disaster, instead of allowing it to happen?
For starters, this would be hyper-management and actually nullify free will. Second, who would learn anything about sin or love under such a system? We would just be mystified about all the intervention and never really understand the evil or consequences of the sin we kept wanting to commit. It would really be a bizarre way to live. God’s wisdom runs much deeper than humans care to think and that’s why we get into trouble every time we seek to judge God from our extremely limited perspective.
God could have easily disintegrated Satan the moment he rebelled and put an end to it, but that would have only proved who was more powerful, not necessarily who was right. Further, both angels and humans would have only served God out of the sheer terror of crossing Him from then on, worshiping only His power, never really knowing His love, mercy, kindness and forgiveness, which is no way to have a good relationship with anyone.
Yet, because God is love (1 John 4:7-8, 16), He provided a way out for sinful rebellious humanity, by choosing to send His Son, Jesus Christ, to pay for our sins by His death and sacrifice of His own Holy and innocent life on the cross, because sin requires the blood of the guilty, or the blood of a perfect innocent in their place. No human is perfect, but Jesus being God, the second part of the Trinity (Genesis 1:26, Isaiah 9:6, Luke 3:22, Matthew 28:18-21, etc.), is perfect and was willing to obey the Father’s desire, to come and give Himself for us, to give us a way back to a right relationship with God (John 3:16, John 5:30, John 11:25, John 14:6 and John 20:19-29).
Unfortunately, most of humanity will not accept and receive God’s gracious free gift (Matthew 7:13-14) of payment and forgiveness of their sins through Jesus Christ, which comes with a sealed guarantee of eternal life with God (Ephesians 1:13-14).
No, most would rather continue in their rebellion and sin. Thus, they will become vessels for God’s wrath in the Day of Judgment (Romans 1:18-32 & 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12). God, Jesus Christ, is coming back very soon to bring to a conclusion the open rebellion of human independence from Him, via their free will choice, which has led to all of the destructive consequences of sin that we see filling up the Earth today. For it is written, in the great tribulation God will pour out His wrath and punishment on the rebellious, to destroy those who are destroying the Earth (Revelation 11:18 & Chapters 15 & 16). It is rather ironic that these people are many of the very ones claiming they are actually “saving” the Earth through things like the fraudulent carbon usage scam (which is nothing more than socialistic theft, to redistribute wealth, help further destroy the middle class and enrich the elite ruling class with money and power). Yet, their reign will be very short and they will not escape Jesus Christ when He returns (Daniel 12:1-10 & Revelation 19:11-21).
Atheism’s Historical Revision
The Birth Of Materialistic Evolution Through Historical Revision
The whole of materialistic evolution, including Darwin’s theory, was conceived from Atheism. It primarily began with various hypotheses from three French atheistic scientists in the late 1700’s and early 1800’s. They were all trying to find ways to justify their religious faith with long periods of time and/or life spawning from non-living material through natural processes. New theories in geology were also being promoted by the early 19th century, as geology began to become a broader field of scientific discipline. Abraham Werner theorized that the strata of the Earth had been precipitated chemically and mechanically from a slowly retreating worldwide ocean. His influence on geology (postulating that the Earth was at least one million years old) was substantial because many of the 19th century’s foremost geologists had been his students and followed his lead.
The atheists love to claim that James Hutton (1726-1797) was a “devout Christian” who basically became “enlighten” to discover the “facts” about long periods of time for the geologic columns through his philosophy of Uniformitarianism. The truth about Hutton is far less favorable for the atheists than they would care for anyone to know. And by the way, since when do atheists have the ability to discern a “devout Christian” from “a wolf hiding in sheep’s clothing”? This ploy is not hard to recognize, as wolves generally gravitate toward their own kind. The truth about James Hutton is that he rejected Genesis as reliable history, particularly when it came to origins, much like the liberal theologians of today.
Yet, we now have evidence from the nearly 20,000 clay tablets of Ebla that demonstrates hundreds of corroborating cities, places and kings mentioned in the early chapters of Genesis. Their language is known as Eblaic, and it was recorded on clay tablets in the Akkadian cune Eblam. Ebla flourished greatly between 2400 and 2250 BC, as a trading city, with a population of about 200,000, with a sophisticated economic and social system. Also, the city of Ur, where Abram (Abraham, ~2100 B.C.) came from, was found to have hot and cold running water and libraries, as well. The “campfire stories” myth for Moses time (~1500 B.C.) was invented and spread by the atheists and liberal (non-Bible believing) theologians. There is a great deal of evidence to indicate that ancient man was very sophisticated and highly intelligent. But because these facts run counter to the prevailing atheistic worldview, ancient man has been recast to be only one step up from the “knuckle dragging apemen” that they supposedly came from. Ebla gives any honest skeptic plenty of reasons to believe the biblical text from Genesis is accurate history.
Additionally, and in particular, Hutton was very uncomfortable with the historic reality of Noah’s flood of global judgment and sought to explain away the majority of the geologic record that contained sedimentary rock laid down by the flood, with a concocted “prehistory” of long ages through endless geologic cycles. Yet, today anthropologists and others who have interacted with isolated and primitive cultures have found over 260 separate references to a global flood, most of them very similar to the biblical account. Not only this, but several of the other stories from these cultures, which represent people from all over the world, agree with the first eleven chapters of Genesis, even though they had never been introduced to the Bible! They were simply repeating the stories that had been passed down to them through their “oral traditions”. This correlates perfectly with the biblical account, because in Genesis chapter 11 we see the confusing of the languages and men dispersed throughout the world. This is the point where the stories of each culture changes, because their forefathers parted ways at the tower of Babel. This is further verified by the fact that evidence for a primitive language has never been discovered or even hinted at historically. The only mythology that needs to be dismissed is that which the atheists have invented to bolster their religion.
Hutton was clearly a deluded closet atheist looking for a way to distort the truth about the Earth’s history, as he made it clear that he could see no evidence for a beginning to the Earth. In Hutton’s imagination, the world was composed of great geologic cycles of upheaval and erosion–cycles without beginning or end. Hutton saw no “evolution” in the sense of gradual, directional change. There were only great endless cycles, an idea that is closer to Eastern Mysticism than science, which is not found in any historical record or the biblical worldview. He is mainly credited for being the one who developed the idea to restructure history by developing/inventing “long geologic time periods” with “millions of years” in it. From Hutton’s fabrication of a prehistory came the atheist’s number one brainwashing term used on the public today, “prehistoric”. This revised historical idiom is freely used in places like textbooks, museums, parks, zoos, cartoons, toys, public television programming and the mainstream media to the extent that most people actually believe it is true. Even Hitler stated that if you tell a lie long enough and loud enough it becomes “truth” to the masses.
Although, Werner and Hutton never paid any attention to the fossils in the rock formations, William Smith (1769-1839) and Georges Cuvier (1768-1832) did. Their findings and Hutton’s philosophy helped form the basis for Charles Lyell’s three volume work Principles of Geology.
Charles Lyell (1797-1875) was an openly hardened and militant atheist, who popularize Hutton’s Uniformitarian philosophy by selectively placing certain “index” fossils within specific geologic layers, he then categorized, to formulate a more believable mythology as to when the different kinds (species) lived on the Earth, separating them purposely by “millions of years” to make the concoction of long periods of time or “geologic ages” seem plausible for his imaginary “geologic column”. Lyell’s fabricated “geologic time scale” has become the equivalent of the atheist’s Bible. It has been the foundation for every other pseudo-scientific illusion that the atheists have paraded before the world. The most interesting and largely unknown fact about Lyell’s “geologic time scale” is that it doesn’t really exist like he drew it up and it is presented to the public. If there were a geologic column of authentic formation of the sediments from the beginning of the formation of the Earth, then the complete history of this planet could be easily reconstructed without question over most all the earth, as the column would be over 100 miles thick fairly consistently around the planet. But such a geologic column only exists on paper, in theory, as it is not found out in nature the way it appears in the textbooks! Well over 80% of the Earth’s land surface does not even have three geologic “periods or ages” appearing in the correct order. The atheists merely dismiss this colossal problem as just a simple issue of “unconformities”. In addition to this dishonestly, there is no mention of the fact that each of these layers should have erosion marks all through them if they had been there for such a long time. Instead, they demonstrate rapid formation with no time for erosion.
Lyell went on to establish the “index fossils” to date the “geologic periods” and then used these “geologic ages” to ascertain the dates of the “index fossils”. This is called circular reasoning and equates to the brilliance of a dog chasing its own tail. An honest look at the fossil record confirms that Lyell’s speculations were false, as many of the “earliest” creatures are found buried in the same layers as many of the “later” creatures. Lyell’s ideas for geology are pure fiction and the very strong hold of the atheistic belief system. The “artistic license” for the deceptive “geologic time scale” is both shameless and criminal, having been placed in almost every scientific textbook in the world and posted in almost every public museum and park that has anything to do with a “scientific” display. Even more telling concerning Lyell’s fraud, is the fact that radiometric dating was not even developed until a half of a century after Lyell invented long periods of time for his geologic time scale, proving unequivocally that Lyell concocted it purely out of his imagination, and not from any real scientific data.
Later, Charles Darwin (1809-1882), heavily influenced by Charles Lyell’s writings, decided to take up the modern fable and add a new twist to it. He threw in the idea that one kind (he used the term specie) could change into another kind, through many small mutations over these long periods of time. A kind is what is defined as being able to bring forth or reproduce after its own type. Darwin had no “transitional forms” to support this new addition to the fairytale, but he was certain that myriads of samples would be found in the fossil record buried in the geologic strata, because he sincerely believed in his own fabrication. Yet, this continued and glaring lack of legitimate transitional forms has sharply divided the modern evolutionary camp (more on this later). Darwin grew up in the Christian faith, but like Hutton, he rejected the Bible’s actual meaning and authority concerning the early chapters of Genesis and all the supporting history that went with it.
Since Darwin’s time, many other hardened atheists joined into the fable building business and added what seemed to be insurmountable “scientific evidences” to support the original myth of Hutton, Lyell and Darwin. Fictitious “apemen” were produced as “missing-links”, along with several other “transitional forms” of other kinds. Unreliable radiometric dating methods (and a small, selected minority of their resultant dates) were used to support the concoction of long periods of time for the revised history and the placement of the fossils within the imagined geologic columns. So, all we really have is one enormous conglomeration of a series of lies that have been invented to support the first lie told by Hutton! These lies have been cleverly cloaked as being “scientific” in character to hide the religious deception of Atheism, which never would have been received any other way.
However, even the atheists knew a lie of this magnitude could not last unless it was carefully managed. So, they took control of the public forums for communicating these ideas, tax-supported public schools, textbooks, museums, parks and television, along with all the major forms of the mainstream media, via television, magazines, and newspapers. Now with one solidly unified voice, the atheists preach their religion to the masses and censor everyone and everything possible within their range of power and influence. And when an occasional voice rises up to unmask what could be the greatest lie ever told, the atheists marshal their forces and descend mercilessly down upon the brave soul who has dared to speak out. They use all their resources to distort the real issues being raised and then they ruthlessly ridicule, berate, slander, malign, and utterly marginalize the individual (through their false accusations and the use of the media) into a place where their brainwashed faithful (the general public) will never know or care about what was really being addressed. If for some reason this malicious defense of Atheism does not prevail or the atheists in power feel threatened enough by what a simple public school teacher might dare to introduce about real scientific principles on origins in the classroom, the atheists will usually call in their big legal guns (i.e., the A.C.L.U.) and threaten to launch a lawsuit, or actually begin frivolous and very costly legal action, which the average teacher or school district cannot afford to fight. Thus, they have maintained their control through bullying and manipulative tactics by effectively silencing any opposition. Examples of the above are the Kansas school board decision, and legal cases involving the teaching of “Creation Science” (real science) in Louisiana and Arkansas public schools.
It is unlikely that the issues of real science will breakthrough and convince the minds of the majority of the programmed masses, until the roots and mechanisms of the false religion of Atheism are exposed. This is so, because of the way in which the atheists have convinced people to think. They have lied to the world and said, “There are no absolutes and all things are relative”. So, your “scientific truth” can be different from my “scientific truth”. This relativistic thinking includes scientific laws, which explains why the atheistic ideas about evolutionary origins are inherently dishonest and unscientific. Thus, the reader must have a good grasp of how the false religion of Atheism works, to expose its foundation, which then can lead to the unshackling of the minds of the people, so they then can see the obvious truth about objective science.
I honestly believe this is why the creation science movement has only made a small dent in societal thinking and I believe it is the same reason why the excellent historical defenses of the centrality of the Christian faith have failed to have a lasting impact with the youth. Materialistic evolution’s mother, Atheism, is the real monster devouring our children and the landscape of the society. If Atheism is not dealt a decisive blow, then her children (evolution, liberalism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Communism, Humanism, Fascism, the homosexual movement, the women’s “liberation” movement, random violence, vengeful murders, growing hopelessness leading to an increase in suicides, pornography, racism, abortion, euthanasia, etc.) will continue to only grow stronger, until they consume everything in their path, including you and me. This is true because Atheism is every idea and action that is derived by man apart from a personal Creator, God, to whom we are all accountable. Without the personal, internal restraint of a holy God who will judge us in the next life by the moral boundaries that He has established for our protection and good, human beings are capable of every form of evil imaginable.
Was Noah’s Flood Global or Local?
Was Noah’s Flood global? By Ken Ham, Jonathan Sarfati and Carl Wieland, Ed. Don Batten
First published in The Revised and Expanded Answers Book Chapter 10
Does it matter? Does the Bible say that Noah’s Flood covered the whole earth? Is there any evidence outside the Bible for such a Flood?
Many Christians today claim that the Flood of Noah’s time was only a local flood. They claim it was confined to somewhere around the Mesopotamian region and never really covered the whole earth. The discovery of a layer of mud by archaeologists in the Middle East and more recently the finding of evidence for a flood in the Black Sea have both been claimed as evidence for a (local) biblical flood.
People generally want a local flood because they have accepted the widely believed evolutionary history of the earth, which interprets the fossils under our feet as the history of the sequential appearance of life over eons of time.
Scientists once understood the fossils (which are buried in water-carried sediments of mud and sand) to be mostly the result of the great Flood. Those who now accept the evolutionary billions of years of gradual accumulation of fossils have, in their way of thinking, explained away the evidence for the Flood—hence their belief in a local flood, or none at all. If they would think from a biblical perspective, they would see the abundant evidence for the Flood. As someone quipped, ‘I wouldn’t have seen it if I hadn’t believed it.’
Those who accept the eons of time with its fossil accumulation also, perhaps unwittingly, rob the Fall of its serious consequences. They put the fossils, which testify of disease, suffering and death before mankind appeared; before Adam and Eve sinned and brought death and suffering into the world. In doing this they also undermine the meaning of the death and resurrection of Christ. Such a scenario also robs God’s description of His finished creation as ‘very good’ of all meaning (see Did God really take six days?).
Some preachers will say they believe in a ‘universal’ or ‘worldwide’ flood, but really, they do not believe that the flood covered the whole earth. They side step the clear teaching of the Bible, while giving the appearance of believing it, by cleverly redefining words. They mean ‘universal’ and ‘worldwide’ only in terms of an imagined limited extent of human habitation at the time. They imagine that people lived only (say) in a valley in Mesopotamia and so the flood could kill all the people without being global in extent.
Biblical evidence for the global Flood
The local flood idea is totally inconsistent with the Bible, as the following points demonstrate:
The need for the Ark
If the Flood were local, why did Noah have to build an Ark? He could have walked to the other side of the mountains and escaped. Traveling just 20 km per day, Noah and his family could have traveled over 3,000 km in six months. God could have simply warned Noah to flee, as He did for Lot in Sodom.
The size of the Ark
If the Flood were local, why was the Ark big enough to hold all the different kinds of land vertebrate animals in the world? If only Mesopotamian animals were aboard, or only domestic animals, the Ark could have been much smaller.1
The need for animals to be on the Ark
If the Flood were local, why did God send the animals to the Ark to escape death? There would have been other animals to reproduce those kinds even if they had all died in the local area. Or He could have sent them to a non-flooded region.
The need for birds to be on the Ark
If the Flood were local, why would birds have been sent on board? These could simply have winged across to a nearby mountain range. Birds can fly several hundred kilometers in one day.
The judgment was universal
If the Flood were local, people who did not happen to be living in the vicinity would not have been affected by it. They would have escaped God’s judgment on sin. It boggles the mind to believe that, after all those centuries since creation, no one had migrated to other parts—or that people living on the periphery of such a local flood would not have moved to the adjoining high ground rather than be drowned. Jesus believed that the Flood killed everyone not on the Ark (Matt. 24:37–39).
Of course, those who want to believe in a local flood generally say that the world is old and that people were here for many tens of thousands of years before the Flood. If this were the case, it is inconceivable that all the people could have fitted in a localized valley in Mesopotamia, for example, or that they had not migrated further afield as the population grew.
The Flood was a type of the judgment to come
What did Christ mean when He likened the coming world judgment to the judgment of ‘all’ men (Matt. 24:37–39) in the days of Noah? In 2 Peter 3, the coming judgment by fire is likened to the former judgment by water in Noah’s Flood. A partial judgment in Noah’s day would mean a partial judgment to come.
The waters were above the mountains
If the Flood were local, how could the waters rise to 15 cubits (8 meters) above the mountains (Gen. 7:20)? Water seeks its own level. It could not rise to cover the local mountains while leaving the rest of the world untouched.2
The duration of the Flood
Noah and company were on the Ark for one year and 10 days (Gen. 7:11, 8:14)—surely an excessive amount of time for any local flood? It was more than seven months before the tops of any mountains became visible. How could they drift around in a local flood for that long without seeing any mountains?
God’s promise broken?
If the Flood were local, God would have repeatedly broken His promise never to send such a Flood again. There have been huge ‘local’ floods in recent times: in Bangladesh, for example, where 80% of that country has been inundated.
All people are descendants of Noah and his family
The genealogies of Adam (Gen. 4:17–26, 5:1–31) and Noah (Gen. 10:1–32) are exclusive—they tell us that all the pre-Flood people came from Adam and all the post-Flood people came from Noah. The descendants of Noah were all living together at Babel and refusing to ‘fill the earth,’ as they had been commanded (Gen. 9:1). So, God confused their one language into many and scattered them (Gen. 11:1–9).
There is striking evidence that all peoples on earth have come from Noah, found in the Flood stories from many cultures around the world—North and South America, South Sea Islands, Australia, Papua New Guinea, Japan, China, India, the Middle East, Europe and Africa. Hundreds of such stories have been gathered.3 The stories closest to the area of dispersion from Babel are nearest in detail to the biblical account—for example, the Gilgamesh epic.
The Hebrew terminology of Genesis 6-94
· ‘The earth’ (Heb. Genesis 6–9, as well as in Genesis 1. The explicit link to the big picture of creation, especially in Genesis 6:6–7, clearly implies a universal Flood. Furthermore, the judgment of God is pronounced not just on all flesh, but on the earth:
And God said to Noah, the end of all flesh has come before me, for the earth is filled with violence through them. And, behold, I will destroy them with the earth. (Gen. 6:13)
· ‘Upon the face of all the earth’ (Gen. 7:3, 8:9) clearly connects with the same phrase in the creation account where Adam and Eve are given the plants on Earth to eat (Gen. 1:29). Clearly, in God’s decree the mandate is universal—the whole earth is their domain. God uses the phrase in Genesis also of the dispersal of people at the Tower of Babel (Gen. 11:8,9)—again, the context is the whole land surface of the globe. The exact phrase is used nowhere else in Genesis.
· ‘Face of the ground’ used five times in the Flood account, also connects back to the universal context of creation (Gen. 2:6), again emphasizing the universality of the Flood.
· ‘All flesh’ (Heb. all flesh,’Gen. 6:13,17),5 and He did (Gen. 7:21–22). In the context of the Flood, ‘all flesh’ clearly includes all nostril-breathing land animals as well as mankind—see Genesis 7:21–23. ‘All flesh’ could not have been confined to a Mesopotamian valley.
· ‘Every living thing’ (Heb. Gen. 6:19, 8:1,17) and in the creation account (Gen. 1:28). In the creation account the phrase is used in the context of Adam and Eve’s dominion over the animals. God said (Gen. 7:4) that He would destroy ‘every living thing’ He had made and this happened—only Noah and those with him on the Ark survived (Gen. 7:23).
· ‘Under the whole heaven’ (Gen. 7:19) is used six times outside of the Flood account in the Old Testament, and always with a universal meaning (Deut. 2:25, 4:19, Job 28:24, 37:3, 41:11, Daniel 9:12). For example, ‘Whatever is under the whole heaven is mine,’ said the Lord (Job 41:11).
· ‘All the fountains of the great deep.’ The fountains of the great deep are mentioned only in the Flood account (Gen. 7:11, 8:2) and Proverbs 8:28. ‘The deep’ (Heb. Gen. 1:2) where it refers to the one ocean covering the whole world before the land was formed. And it was not just ‘the fountains of the great deep’ but ‘all the fountains of the great deep’ which broke open.
· A special Hebrew word was reserved for the Flood or Deluge: Psalm 29:10, refers to the universal sovereignty of God in presiding over the Deluge. The New Testament also has a special word reserved for the Flood, The decrees in Genesis 9 parallel those in Genesis 1
In Genesis 9:1 God gives man the exact same commission as in Genesis 1:28—‘Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.’ He also gives man dominion over ‘every beast of the earth’ (Gen. 9:2, cf. 1:28) and man is instructed as to what he can and cannot eat (Gen. 9:4–5), which parallels Genesis 1:29–30. These decrees in Genesis 1 are universal in extent, and clearly, they are also here, after the Flood. If Adam and his descendants were to rule the whole earth, so were Noah and his descendants. If ‘earth’ in Genesis 9:1 is the whole earth, as all would agree it is, then surely it is also the whole earth in the context of the Flood in Genesis 8:13!
The New Testament speaks of the Flood as global4
New Testament passages which speak of the Flood use universal language: ‘the flood came and took them all away’ (Jesus, Matt. 24:39); ‘the flood came and destroyed them all’ (Jesus, Luke 17:27); ‘did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a preacher of righteousness, and seven others, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly’ (2 Peter 2:5); ‘a few, that is eight people, were saved through the water’ (1 Peter 3:20); Noah ‘condemned the world’ through his faith in God (Heb. 11:7); ‘the world that then was, being flooded by water, perished’ (2 Pet 3:6). All these statements presuppose a global Flood, not some localized event.
Objections to a global Flood
Objection 1: ‘All’ does not always mean ‘all’6
Some have argued that since ‘all’ does not always mean ‘each and every’ (e.g. Mark 1:5) that the use of ‘all’ in the Flood account does not necessarily mean the Flood was universal. That is, they claim that this use of ‘all’ allows for a local flood.
However, the meaning of a word is decided by the context. From the context of ‘all’ in Luke 2:1, for example, we can see that ‘all the world’ meant all the Roman Empire. So, it is the context that tells us that ‘all’ here does not mean every bit of the whole land surface of the globe.
However, to determine the meaning of ‘all’ in Genesis 6–9, we must consider the context, not just transfer the inferred meaning from somewhere else.
The word ‘all’ (Heb. In Genesis 7:19 we read that ‘all (Hkol) the high mountains under all (Hkol) the heavens were covered.’ Note the double use of ‘all.’ In Hebrew this gives emphasis so as to eliminate any possibility of ambiguity.7 This could be accurately translated as ‘all the high mountains under the entire heavens,’ to reflect the emphasis in the Hebrew. Leupold, in his authoritative commentary on Genesis, said of this, ‘… the text disposes of the question of the universality of the Flood.’7
Objection 2: The post-Flood geography is the same as the pre-Flood
Because the Tigris and Euphrates rivers were mentioned in the description of the Garden of Eden, and we have the Tigris and Euphrates rivers now, some have argued that the Flood could not have altered the topography of the world, and therefore it must have been local.8
However, there are major differences in the topography described for the Garden of Eden and the world now. There was one river flowing from Eden which separated into four rivers (Gen. 2:10–14), two of which were called the Tigris and the Euphrates. So the rivers had a common source before the Flood, which is very different from today. The other two rivers were the Pishon and Gihon. The Pishon is not mentioned post-Flood. Gihon is used of the locality of a spring near Jerusalem in the times of Kings David, Solomon and Hezekiah.9
The post-Flood world is not the same as the pre-Flood world. Someone may ask, ‘Then why do we have a Tigris and Euphrates today?’ Answer: the same reason there is a Liverpool and Newcastle in Australia; and London, Oxford and Cambridge in North America, although they were originally place names in England. Features in the post-Flood world were given names familiar to those who survived the Flood.
Objection 3: There is no evidence for such a Flood in the geologic record
What evidence would one expect from a global watery cataclysm that drowned the animals, birds and people not on the Ark? All around the world, in rock layer after rock layer, we find billions of dead things that have been buried in water-carried mud and sand. Their state of preservation frequently tells of rapid burial and fossilization, just like one would expect in such a flood.
There is abundant evidence that many of the rock strata were laid down quickly, one after the other, without significant time breaks between them. Preservation of animal tracks, ripple marks and even raindrop marks, testifies to rapid covering of these features to enable their preservation. Polystrate fossils (ones which traverse many strata) speak of very quick deposition of the strata. The scarcity of erosion, soil formation, animal burrows and roots between layers also shows they must have been deposited in quick succession. The radical deformation of thick layers of sediment without evidence of cracking or melting also shows how all the layers must have been still soft when they were bent. Dykes (walls) and pipes (cylinders) of sandstone which connect with the same material many layers beneath show that the layers beneath must have been still soft, and contained much water. That the sandstone could be squeezed up through cracks above to form the ‘clastic’ dykes and pipes, again shows rapid deposition of many strata.
The worldwide distribution of many geological features and rock types is also consistent with a global Flood. The Morrison Formation is a layer of sedimentary rock that extends from Texas to Canada, clearly showing the fallacy of the still popular belief that ‘the present is the key to the past’—there are no processes occurring on Earth today that are laying down such large areas of sedimentary layers. In reality, God’s revelation about the past is the key to understanding the present.
The limited geographic extent of unconformities (clear breaks in the sequence of deposition with different tilting of layers, etc.) is also consistent with the reality of the global Flood. And there are many other evidences for the Flood.10,11
The problem is not the evidence but the mindset of those looking at the evidence. One geologist testified how he never saw any evidence for the Flood—until, as a Christian, he was convinced from the Bible that the Flood must have been a global cataclysm. Now he sees the evidence everywhere. It’s a case of ‘I would not have seen it if I had not believed it!’ The Bible talks about people being corrupted in their thinking after turning their backs on God (Romans 1:18ff.) and of people being so spiritually blind that they cannot see the obvious (Acts 28:25–27). See Noah’s Ark Questions and Answers for other questions about the Flood and Noah’s Ark.
A universal worldwide, globe-covering Flood is clearly taught by the Bible. The only reasons for thinking the Flood was otherwise come from outside the Bible. When we use the framework provided by the Bible, we find that the physical evidence from the rocks and fossils beautifully fits what the Bible says.
Furthermore, the realization of the reality of God’s judgment by the Flood in the past should warn us of the reality of the judgment to come—judgment by fire—and stimulate us to be ready for that judgment (2 Peter 3:3–13). Those who are not ‘in Christ’ will suffer the wrath of God (John 3:36).
References and notes
See, How did the animals fit
on Noah’s Ark? The Revised and Expanded Answers Book, Chapter
Mt Everest has marine
fossils at its peak. There is enough water in the oceans so that, if all the
surface features of the earth were evened out, including the ocean basins,
water would cover the earth to a depth of 2.7 km. This is not enough to
cover mountains the height of Everest now, but it shows that the pre-Flood
mountains could have been quite high and still been covered. See, What
about continental drift? The Revised and Expanded Answers Book, Chapter
11, for more details about how this could have occurred.
Frazer, J.G., Folklore in
the Old Testament: studies in comparative religion, Vol. 1, Macmillan, London,
pp. 105–361, 1918.
Davidson, R.M., Biblical
evidence for the universality of the Genesis Flood, Origins 22(2):58–73, 1995.
Some translations wrongly
render ‘all flesh’ in Gen. 6:13 as ‘all people’ (e.g. NIV, whereas KJV and NASB
are correct). This is clearly not the meaning of ‘all flesh,’ as revealed
by its use in Genesis 7:21 (where the NIV renders ‘all flesh’ correctly as
‘every living thing’).
For a full treatment, see
Kruger, M., Genesis 6–9: Does ‘all’ always mean all?, CEN Technical Journal 10(2):214–218, 1996.
Leupold, H.C., Exposition of
Genesis, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, MI, USA, vol. 1, pp. 301–302, 1942.
For example, Young, D.A.,
Creation and the Flood: an alternative to Flood geology and theistic evolution,
Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, MI, USA, p.210, 1977. Sadly, Dr Young has
drifted more and more towards full-blown theistic evolution since he wrote this
book, where he compromised the Bible by advocating ‘progressive creationist’
Gihon Spring of 1 Kings 1:33,38,45 and 2 Chron. 32:30; 33:14 clearly has
nothing to do with the Tigris-Euphrates river system of today, or the four-way
split river system described in Eden.
Morris, J.D., The Young
Earth, Master Books, Colorado Springs, 1994.
Austin, S. (Ed.), Grand
Canyon: Monument to Catastrophe, Institute for Creation Research, Santee, CA,
USA, 1994.
Your Worldview Controls Your Thinking
Greetings, as neighbors, we once used to demonstrate concern for
each other, yet we now live in more of the “every person for him or herself”
society, which actually weakens all of us by moving us away from a community
environment that generates maturity and provides peace and protection for
everyone involved. But how did we come to this place? What caused
the change? The answer is quite simple for most in our society – the
worldview changed.
The one key ingredient, or basic issue, that becomes the driving
force in every individual’s life, whether they are aware of it or not, is a
person’s underpinning worldview or view of life. The most specific and
critical part of one’s worldview, upon which everything else hinges, is the
assumptions and choices of belief we make about our origin. Allow me to
Some may be wondering: is the worldview we possess really all that
important? Well actually it really is, because a worldview is the
foundational belief system that determines how we filter everything else in
life. It controls how we scrutinize all the meaningful issues of life and
the degree of value we will place on them. But most importantly, a
worldview determines the really big questions about our existence and how we
choose to live out our lives:
In other words, how we choose to live life is based upon our
perception of the answers to these all-encompassing questions. Therefore,
we believe it is definitely time for this to be examined and discussed in an
intellectual, “take our brains out of neutral”, manner. To begin, we need
to take a look at the basis of how typical worldviews are formed in our
thinking. Then, we must examine how this affects our decisions.
The materialistic worldview dictates the philosophy of those who
believe we originated by purely natural means. The materialistic
worldview takes on many forms within human belief systems, from traditional
Atheism to Secular Humanism to Eastern Mysticism, all of which hold the idea that
a personal Creator (God) does not exist and therefore is not responsible for
our origin. This is the view that believes “science” has proven mankind
originated from a big bang, when basically “nothing” (the latest postulation)
exploded and expanded outward to form everything we see in the universe.
Although materialists would wish to substitute in the words ‘think’ or ‘know’
for ‘believe’ in the above definition, it is a complete rational fallacy to do
so. Why…?
Unfortunately, this is a classic example of “blind faith”, for no
human being contains the type of infinite knowledge required to comprehend such
a great mystery. If one is to be a true atheist, they must have all
knowledge of everything, both known and unknown to us now, concerning the entire
universe and be able to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that a Creator truly
does not exist. Therefore, Materialism/Atheism is a belief system or
religious choice, which commits a logical, intellectual flaw in its
foundational premise due to the true lack of complete knowledge. Thus,
the most anyone can realistically be is agnostic, which means they really just
don’t know at all, because of limited understanding. However, there
are two types of agnostics: the ordinary agnostic, which is an open-minded
individual who will examine the evidence presented to them and give it fair
consideration, and then there’s the ornery agnostic, which is a very
closed-minded individual who rejects any evidence (i.e. legal, scientific,
historical, rational, etc.) that demonstrates any possibility of the existence
of God, intelligent design or supernatural power. Generally, a person choosing
this type of belief system for the basis of their worldview accepts no
boundaries for consistent logic or morals, as they believe there are no
absolutes, other than what a person chooses, which is an oxymoron, because it
is an absolute statement within itself. Ultimately, this view leads to
chaos, followed by acts of evil.
However, this is not the worst of the matter, for Materialism’s
subjective faith leads people into a total meaningless existence that is void
of any real hope. For consider how atheistic materialism answers the four
great questions of life:
Who am I? & Where did I come from? You are a by-product
of chemicals that crawled out of the goo millions of years ago, which came from
a cosmic explosion many billions of years ago.
What is the meaning to life? There is no real meaning to life, so you
might as well just do whatever you please, because a standard of right and
wrong are relative or nonexistent. Thus, as long as you are strong enough
to kill others and take their possessions you can do it for “might makes
right”. Atheism’s philosophy actually promotes crime and war within the
human race because it provides a powerful rationalization for it. After
all, what real point is there in being a good little atheist who has no money,
no power, no prestige, no future and no hope? And the communistic ideal
of everyone being equal is an absolute con job, because someone will always
want more than someone else and those who rule always end up being “more equal”
than those they rule over. Those who wish to say that man is basically
good and put their hope in the here and now of humanity haven’t taken a
realistic look at the news lately. This world is increasing in
corruption, theft, murder, wars, self-inflicted famine and diseases, etc. and
we are very close to seeing our planet be reduced into a nuclear inferno,
mainly because of selfish interests. Materialism isn’t just a blind
faith; it is a systematic faith of lies, denial and death!
Where am I going, or what happens, after I die? You have no soul and there is no God, or
afterlife, so your body rots and returns to the chemicals it came from.
In other words, this is all there is to life, you have no future hope, so do
whatever it takes to make yourself happy in the here and now, no matter who or
what you have to step on or destroy to do it, that’s “okay”. Materialism
ultimately reduces human beings to an animalistic character that is purely
destructive, and this fact is easily verified by any honest analysis of
From the open Eastern Mysticism of Hinduism to Star Wars to the
New Age and the occult, the materialistic belief system of humanity’s origin
all is based upon the belief in a big bang and a rise from the slime, long
ago. This is just a metaphysical spin on the same Materialistic Atheism
discussed above. No personal God was involved in how we arrived here and
everything is a derivative of cosmic energy. The energy is god, matter is
formed from energy, and since we are made of matter, therefore we are all really
god. This belief attempts to encourage its followers to simply realize
this “truth” and be transformed into god or return to the original energy
source from which they were magically produced.
There are some very fundamental problems with such a belief
system. The most obvious is that energy never displays the intelligence
necessary to shape and form the massively complex structures and systems needed
for life to exist. This is as absurd as the idea of declaring that
electricity has the knowledge, wisdom, intelligence and power to form things
like computers, skyscrapers and space shuttles ‘at will’. No one has ever
observed energy exhibiting anything even close to intelligence. It is one
thing to believe something blindly about an unknown, but it pure folly to
choose to believe in something that clearly and consistently contradicts
everything we can observe, as to how life functions. This is why this
type of belief must heavily rely upon mystical relativism, with no absolutes,
to sustain its faithful, for even one ounce of rational logic destroys it completely.
Obviously, most people just haven’t thought this through very well.
Moving past the many scientific and historical problems that could
easily be sighted for this particular (and very popular) kind of belief,
mystical materialism brings us right back to the very same nagging questions
concerning what life is really all about:
Who am I? & Where did I come from? You are a
by-product of a cosmic explosion from an unknown energy source. Somehow,
after billions of years, through unexplainable, irrational and anti-scientific
processes, which contradict all the known Laws of Science, energy magically
formed your ancestors, which then miraculously crawled up out of the goo and
evolved into you, or spread their DNA and evolved you.
What is the meaning to life and where am I going, or what happens
after I die?
There is no real meaning to life, as one’s whole goal is to return to ‘the
energy’ that initially discharged them out into the physical universe.
Life is a continual, painful and miserable struggle until you make it back to
this energy source. Somehow, unknown to the rational mind, the energy can
detect whether you are good or bad and dish out karma to you accordingly, to
increase or lessen your misery on your journey. How Karma works is
subjective though, not only defying logic and reason at times, but also our
basic human instincts for what is good and bad as well. Good works are
supposed to bring good karma, but if you show compassion to the less fortunate,
this good work counts against you and you are said to “inherit” the bad karma
that put them in such a disadvantageous state. What a perfect excuse for
selfishness! This philosophy has helped to develop the worse bigotry on
the planet; it’s called the cast system, which is openly practiced in Indian
even today. Disrespect, abuse and hatred all are perfectly acceptable in
the name of advancing oneself closer to the mindless energy source.
On the other hand, the biblical worldview is based on information
that can be objectively verified and established as true, with both the logical
scientific method and a historical/legal evidential method. So,
what are some of the different positions that the biblical worldview presents?
There is a God. History has recorded miraculous phenomena
that cannot be explained by any natural materialistic method. An
instantaneous multiplying of languages at the tower of Babel, the devastation
of Egypt by the ten plagues of Moses, the parting of the Red Sea and the
annihilation of the Egyptian army, which died when the Red Sea collapsed back
down on top of them. The multiple miracles that took place to feed, water
and generally maintain the huge multitude of Israelites and their herds of
animals in the wilderness for 40 years. The withholding of the flow of
the river Jordan (during the flood season) for the Israelites to cross over
into the Promised Land and the collapse of the walls of Jericho. The
miracles of Jesus Christ that were said to be so numerous that there would not
have been enough volumes of books to write them all down in, even if the New
Testament writers had wished to do so. Among these miracles are: Jesus
walking on the water and the two separate occasions where Jesus fed several
thousand people with just food enough for one person, by multiplying it.
Let’s not forget that Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead after four days in the
tomb, which meant that his body had already begun the process of decay.
This was a very agitating fact for the Pharisees to deal with and they never
denied it; instead, they only wanted to kill both Lazarus and Jesus because of
it! Jesus supernaturally arose from the dead three days after His death,
as well. History records for us that Jesus’ disciples even did the same
kinds of miracles He did in the authority of His name. Today numerous
cases of medically verifiable, terminal cancers, deadly tumors and permanent
paralysis are miraculously healed instantly, vanishing from the patients’
bodies. Also, there is the testimony of millions of dramatically changed
lives through a personal transforming relationship with Jesus Christ, as
well. This is only a tiny fraction of the evidence from the historical
record, but it’s enough to make the point for anyone who has ears to hear.
Scientific evidence overwhelmingly tells us that we could only be
here by intelligent design. All scientific observations in chemistry,
physics, biology, microbiology, genetics and statistics flatly deny the
possibility of materialistic random chance being the reason for the
intelligence, structure and design we observe in living systems, and that’s
allowing for indefinite periods of time!
There are absolutes: There is moral truth, legal truth and
historical truth and even established scientific laws that have come from a
superior Creator, by which we must base our lives and thinking upon. We
must start with what is proven (and provable) to determine the unknown, not the
other way around. Accountability and consequences for our actions proves
that things are not relative in this life and because God is the lawgiver, this
will be true for the eternal life to come as well, which God has indeed
implanted in our hearts.
The biblical, theistic worldview offers tremendous purpose and hope when
answering the four great questions of life:
Who am I? You are a special creation of God, who created you in His
image for a very distinct and fulfilling purpose.
Where did I come from? The eternal Creator (who is outside of
the physical dimensions of time, width, length and depth) made you and placed
you on this Earth.
What is the meaning to life? God created you to have a special place
of fellowship with Him (an intimate relationship of oneness with Him) and to
enjoy all the beauty of that relationship, along with His awesome extended
creation that He made for you to exist in and benefit from.
Where am I going, or what happens, after I die? Since, mankind’s intimate relationship
with a loving, but holy, God was broken by our sin (wrong behavior, words and
even thoughts), we now have a choice to decide to restore the relationship with
Him or remain separated from His presence for eternity. For it is
written, “And inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once and after this
comes judgment” – Hebrews 9:27.
My hope is that you will investigate the biblical worldview for
what it really is and realize that by any honest and accurate definition it
cannot be mixed with any other worldview. (Unfortunately, there are even
many pretenders and deceived within the Church who readily mix in parts of the
materialistic worldview with the biblical worldview, which only distorts
reality and leaves many confused. Please do not adopt their same folly of
irrational thought). Consider the salvation messages offered at the
bottom of this page and if you want to make sure that you are in a right
relationship with your Creator, do pray the prayer at the end of it and make
Jesus Christ your personal Lord and Savior by repenting of your sins and asking
Him for the forgiveness, which only He can give you to make you right with
Him. If you do this, feel free to let me know. Also, if you have
questions feel free to drop me a note.
Were The Days Of Creation In
Genesis Six Ordinary, 24 Hour Days?
The Hebrew word for day, “YOM”, can mean either a 24-hour day or an indefinite extended period of time, depending on the surrounding context. All thirty-eight (38) other times outside of Genesis chapter one when YOM is surrounded by morning and evening it is
understood to be a literal 24-hour day. Three Hundred fifty-nine (359) other times outside of Genesis chapter one when YOM is included with a number it is understood to be a literal 24-hour day. Why then do you think Genesis chapter one is the only place people wish to reinterpret YOM outside of its contextual meaning? It is because of the influence of the atheistic worldview (religion) that has passed itself off as a “science”, which
“cannot be questioned”, and those of weak faith and confused minds have bought into this lie.
Every honest world-class Hebrew scholar must admit that the author of Genesis chapter one clearly intended to communicate that the days of creation were indeed to be understood as ordinary 24-hour days and nothing else. Exodus 20:11, “For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day; therefore, the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy”, verifies this as it sets the pattern for the seven-day week we now use. This is the only place where we could have derived a seven-day week in the historical annals of mankind! Think about it, with a thirty-day lunar cycle it would make more since to have something like
five weeks of six days each per month. Every time you see a calendar with seven-day weeks, it is shouting out “there is a God”! No wonder the Antichrist will try to change the way we keep time. “And he will speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One, and he will intend to make alterations in times and in law; and they will be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time.” – Daniel 7:25
A couple of the liberal (unbelieving) objections to the above are that the numbers mentioned for the days of creation were “ordinal” and not “cardinal” and the sun was not created until the fourth day so the first three days could not have been solar days as we know them and therefore must have been long periods of time. As is always the case with objections like these, there is an underlying effort to have a person doubt the actual context of the Word of God, which is exactly how the devil deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden. The original Hebrew actually does use cardinal numbers and it is only some English translations that misrepresent the actual Hebrew, where the idea of an ordinal number is conceived, by rearranging the wording to create an argument for ordinal numbers. Again, the author of Genesis left no doubt that he meant an ordinary 24-hour day by the way he wrote it. This is a red-herring argument designed to confuse and deceive people into rejecting a literal interpretation.
We do not know what type of light was present in the first three days, but that is really a non-issue. For the Hebrew text tells us that it was still the equivalent of a normal 24-hour day with a number and surrounded by morning and evening. Since plant life was created on day three, there would have been a serious problem if the evening cycle had been a long period of time, for the light and heat necessary in sustaining plant life would have been absent and the freshly created vegetation would have all died. These types of arguments obviously originate from the father of lies and they should not sway the children of light, as they contain no true credibility what so ever.
A final thought: Are we supposed to work for six thousand or six million years and rest for that last thousand or million? If we are going to be disrespectful and “liberal”, why stop with only Genesis chapter one?

European Albino

Yes, actually they are related and although it is a distant relation, it is true! The straight fact of the matter is that all of us are closely related to each other as part of the human race. Since this makes us all relatives, there is an important message in this for us. This is simply a short commentary to inform people about our shared and true heritage, which is something most everyone would already be well acquainted with, if a great effort was not being made to keep us from understanding it.
The unrevised historical evidence tells us that all humans are related to one another and there is only one “race”, the human race. Even modern science now agrees with what the undistorted chronological record has always taught us. For genetics now demonstrates to us that, even among the most varied extremes within the human species (i.e., size, shape, color, etc.), there is no more than 0.003% of a difference in our genetic makeup, proving we are all related and originating from the same source, and that the variations only began to be dispersed a few thousand years ago! The slight difference of 0.003% is what merely gives us all our unique features and identity, but the rest is basically the same (i.e., our many various organs, bones, vessels, tendons, blood cells, nervous system, etc.).
This may make some people uncomfortable, but they need to make an internal examination as to why. For if this truth were proclaimed throughout the world, it could birth a positive and beneficial perspective from which we could evaluate and carry out our actions toward one another. All the race baiting in the media would have to stop and people would have to examine the real motives behind those who would make excuses to mistreat their relatives.
The fact is when scientists did the math, they found that the slight 0.003% diversity we observe in our gene pool was achieved in about 6000 years! Additionally, when scientists did the math for population growth, factoring in all the variables of war, famine, disease, etc., from the time of Noah (about 4,500 years ago) until today, starting with the eight people in Noah’s family that came off the ark, they came to a little over 6 billion people. Conversely, if we do the same math, starting about two million years ago (the evolutionary revisionist invention of “earliest” human history), the number of humans on this planet would be stacked side-by-side, like sardines in a can!!! Now, look around you. How many people do you see on the Earth? Maybe it’s time to start trusting our eyes for a change, instead of all the naturalistic lies we’ve been told!
Dear cousin, true history traces all of our roots back to Mt. Ararat and Noah’s family, and yes, through Noah back to Adam and Eve, the first man and woman of the human race created by God. The global flood in Noah’s day easily accounts for the vast majority of what we observe in the geologic strata, as science now reveals that the Earth’s sedimentary layers were laid down through vigorous water action over a very brief period of time.
This is just one small nugget, from a mountain of evidence that explains humanity’s true origin. Unfortunately, everything in science and history is being distorted and reworked to fit the atheistic/materialistic worldview, which desperately seeks to write our personal Creator out of the picture, because the sinful heart of man does not want to be reminded that we are accountable to the Holy God who made us, and that we are not “basically good” and neither are we truly in good standing with Him because of our sin (wrongdoing).
If this were the whole picture then things would be very bleak indeed. However, God loves us and sent His Son Jesus Christ to die a substitutionary, sinless, sacrificial death for our sin [because sin requires a death penalty to be paid (Romans 6:23)] to provide a way back for us to be in proper relationship with Him; because our connection was broken by our choice to rebel against God, in our attempt to live independently from His authority and protection over us.
This current life we are now living is mainly about our opportunity to choose to be restored back into a correct relationship with our Creator, or not, by our accepting or rejecting His method of restoration for us through the blood sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ, by which we can receive total forgiveness for our sin against God, thus saving our souls from the coming judgment and destruction. Those who make Jesus their Lord and Savior are covered by His sinless blood sacrifice for them and given the gift of eternal life with God in heaven. Those who reject God’s way, through Jesus (John 14:6), must pay for their own sins, forever separated from God in a lake of fire and brimstone (Acts 4:12, Philippians 2:10-11 & Revelation Chs. 19 & 20). Jesus Himself made this very clear, giving many strong warnings to all who would listen, as His blood is the only solvent capable of removing sin off of our soul (John 8:24).
Although this article doesn’t come close to answering the multitude of questions about the subjects of origins and accountability, hopefully it will start you on a personal quest to find out what really is true. Seek (pray to) the true Creator, God Almighty, for the answers and do not look to the so-called “wisdom” of men’s opinions or religion that says you have to do good works of your own to make God happy. In authentic sincerity, ask God to make Himself real to you and for Him to show you what is true. For those who seek God with an honest heart, and don’t try to craft Him into their own image, will find Him. The rest, unfortunately, will die in their sins (John 3:36).
Jesus, referring to Himself said, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” –John 3:16,18
To learn more about the truth of our actual origin and knowing your Creator access this link and use the SEARCH box for the topic of interest:
Answering “who created God”, with science and reason.
Everything we experience in the natural world has a beginning. So, the skeptic muses and asks, “If God created everything, then who created God?” It is an interesting thing that such skeptics claim they will only accept scientific explanations, but once they are given one, they simply ignore it and jump to another question they think no one has an answer for. In other words, they are not looking for real answers; rather they are only seeking excuses. However, because there are some who might benefit, the question of who created God should be answered in terms that can be reasonably understood.
The secret to understanding the answer to this question starts with a correct knowledge about TIME, which most do not comprehend very well. The reason for the misunderstanding about time comes from our limited everyday observations and lack of being fully educated about the way time works.
For instance, most people are not aware that time is directly affected by gravity, and they view time as a constant through their limited experience. This is one great case to show us that what we experience (feel and even see) is not always reliable or accurate. When scientists placed an atomic clock at sea level and another one on the top of a mountain, they were able to show that time is expressed at different rates. The clock at sea level was slower, as it was affected, or slowed down, by gravity. Thus, proving time is not really a constant reality, as most people think it is. But what this further proved was that time is a dimension, which has limitations and boundaries.
To explain this further in a better way, all one would have to do is venture near a white or black hole in outer space. Physics demonstrates that the intense gravity that would be produced by these phenomenon can alter time, even to the point of literally making time stand still! The point at which this happens is called the Event Horizon, which exists on the outer edge of the hole.
A quick side note here: God most likely created and expanded the universe out of a white hole (just as well known in the scientific community as black holes, but rarely discussed because of the implications that coincide with the Bible’s account of creation). A white hole achieves the opposite of a black whole, which sucks everything around it into it by its massive gravitational force. A white hole throws matter out, and with the Earth positioned at, or very near, the event horizon, as “God stretched forth the heavens” (mentioned over a dozen times in the ancient Scriptures), the stars would appear to be very old, yet actually be just as young as the Earth itself due to the distortion of the dimension of time.
The sun is shrinking at a constant rate and if the Earth had been here even a million years ago, then the sun would have made life impossible, because it would have been too close and cooked the planet. The moon is moving away from the Earth at a constant rate as well. If the Earth was very old at all there would have been catastrophic tidal problems from the affects of the moon’s gravity being much closer, which would have wreck havoc for life on our planet due to the multiplied affect of gravity’s inverse square law, which greatly intensifies the pull of gravity when two objects are closer together. The movie ‘Interstellar’ touches on these scientific concepts of time and gravity.
The point to grasp here is that God created TIME as simply one other dimension that gives humans a length of measured existence in which to operate in the natural realm; just as the dimensions of height, width and depth provide the 3-D space for us to maneuver within. This is why scientists refer to time as the fourth dimension.
We are as much contained within time in the physical realm as we are in the three dimensions that give us our space. God is not bound by the natural dimensions of height, width, depth or time He created, any more than we are bound by a garage we may build. We can move in and out of the garage freely and do all sorts of special projects in the garage we might wish to do, but we are not limited to the garage. Thusly, God is not limited by the dimension of time, unlike humans who are currently limited and contained within it, while we are alive in our natural bodies. Yet, when our time expires (which is a unique and often individualized feature of time’s dimensional interaction with the other natural dimensions), then we transition out of the natural realm (that is bound in time) into the supernatural or ever present (eternal) realm. The body stays behind and continues within the other natural dimensions, usually entering into the process of decay, because it is just an outer shell of who we are. But, the soul crosses over, with God giving us another body at a particular point that will operate in the supernatural realm; a body that will be far superior to the one we currently possess.
God exists in the supernatural, ever present (eternal) realm that is not bound by time. Therefore, the answer is that God has always been. This is exactly how God described Himself to Moses in the burning bush that was not consumed by the fire. When Moses asked His name, God answered, I AM that I AM, which in the Hebrew simply meant, I am ever present and eternal. It’s the distortion of time and our current placement and experience within the natural dimensions that includes time, which makes us wrongly believe God needs a beginning. Again, this is hard for the natural mind, bound up in the natural dimensions to grasp, but the ever-present realm just is and always has been, and our soul was connected to it the moment God created us. I suspect God created the natural realm from the energy that exists in the supernatural, ever present realm, as this would explain the tremendous energy bound up within the atoms that are the building blocks for the natural realm. This follows the first law of thermodynamics as well, which tells us that energy is neither created or destroyed, just transferred.
With God creating mankind in His image, we were made with a connection to the ever-present realm (our spirit). This is why humans, and not any of any the animals, are instinctively religious, because we know there is something more to our existence; that we are a part of something beyond our life in this natural world. This is why we don’t see lions, bear, birds or rhinos making alters or doing religious rituals like humans do.
This truth further explains why people who were clinically dead for hours, and even days in some cases, have sometimes come back to life and they have stories to tell about their experience in the eternal realm outside of the natural dimensions we currently know. There have been thousands upon thousands of testimonies of a “hyper-reality” from these out of body experiences, which would not happen if the natural realm was all there is, because it would be just like being knocked out cold and then waking up with no memory of any event at all, especially for those who were not just “dead”, but registered as being completely brain dead, and then came back to life.
To sum up: Science points us to the limits of the parameters of the natural realm and the real possibility of the very present (eternal) realm. Additionally, many people have crossed over and come back testifying to the reality of this supernatural realm. The Bible records the accurate history of both God and angels crossing over into the natural realm and interacting with it as well. Evidence of the crossing at the Red Sea, God splitting the rock (a giant ~60 foot bolder) and making water come out of it and the burned mountain top of Mt. Sinai in southwestern Saudi Arabia, where God appeared and gave the Ten Commandments to Moses, among other artifacts, like the alter of the golden calf, have all been found there. Video footage of these evidences can be easily googled and found on YouTube. Sadly though, for many, they won’t search for it to see the proof, because they are like a hardened criminal who has no interest in finding a cop. They don’t want anything to do with God, even though He would forgive and redeem them.
The real issue is not weather a supernatural, ever present realm exists. No, the important thing is honestly facing that time will end for each of us, for we will all encounter a transition out of the dimension of time at some point, because we cannot cheat death. Further more, God wrote eternity on our heart, but He also wrote His law on our heart (the moral understanding of right and wrong). This makes us accountable to our Creator, which is really the actual stumbling block for the skeptic, not the lack of a great deal of the evidence that is available scientifically, historically, archeologically and prophetically, but rather the willful suppression of it. This is crazy, because time is running out on us all, so we can’t avoid our date with destiny by pretending otherwise or remaining in stubborn denial.
Most people are uneasy about this transition because they really don’t honestly know how they will completely stack up with God, even if they consider themselves to be a good person (which the Ten Commandments quickly nullifies). Others are terrified of the thought of death, because they just intuitively sense they are not completely right with God. The uncomfortable feeling is there for a good reason, because when a person is totally righteous in God, on His terms, that uncertain feeling will stop nagging them.
God has said He will end time somewhere around the end of about 7000 years of dealing with mankind. So, the next question would hopefully be, how does a person make sure they are in good standing with the Creator? The answer is simple, but not easy. We have sinned against our Holy (perfectly righteous) Creator (lied, stolen, lusted, coveted, used His name in vain, not always put Him first, etc. – from the Ten Commandments). We might want to make our sin out to be not such a big deal, or compare ourselves to others and say we aren’t that bad, but God does not grade on a curve. He has told us that the wages of sin is death. Thus, we have thousands upon thousands of death penalties to pay for and no righteous judge will dismiss multiple death sentences, not even based on other forms of “good” behavior we may have done.
This is the bad news, because we are all guilty and we will be condemned to Hell (the eternal second death, separated from God, who is LIFE) to pay for our sins when time runs out for us. But there is good news, God knew we would be in this troublesome place and unable to pay our debts. And yes, He even put us in a position where He knew we would fail, but He would offer to rescue us, to see who would love Him for who He is, not just for His power and riches. God has loved us from the start and He does not want us to suffer in the eternal state apart from Him. So, God made a way for us to have the payment for our sins paid in full, that we could be with Him forever; perfected, happy, free, joyful and living life to the fullest. Do you know what He did for us?
First, God gave us free will choice, to chose our own destiny, because He wanted real relationships, not robots. Second, and more importantly, God so love you personally that He sent only His son, Jesus Christ, to suffer and die in your place. Jesus lived a hard life as a poor, manual laborer at the bottom end of society for about thirty years and then ministered for three years perfectly without sin. Then, He suffer horribly and died a brutal death, completely innocent of any wrongdoing on His part, to make the full payment for the penalty of our sins, making a complete pardon for you 2000 years ago on the cross. He would have done this for you even if you were the only one on the planet, because that’s how much He loves you. If you will believe that Jesus did this for you, repent of your sin, ask Him to forgive you and to come into you, to be the Lord of your life, then you will receive God’s mercy and gracious gift of eternity with Him, because He will literally possess you; come inside you, bond to you and live with you forever.
God is real and eternity is certain. The only question is where you will spend your existence in the ever present, eternal realm? The choice is up to you. Choose well.
P.S. I realize that this explanation is only a partial answer, as it does not explain how the supernatural, ever present realm exists. Yet, it does explain the reality of the intermingling of the natural and ever-present realms. But it does not explain how God is this great all-powerful Spirit that can create a spiritual existence out of nothing (men and angels) and that they are unique individuals apart from God and accountable to Him. The fact is we only know what we have been given to know, or discover. Whatever God chooses to withhold from us, we simply cannot know. I have confidence that those who love Him and submit to Him will one day have all their questions answered. Part of God’s test of love is to trust Him – that He is good, and that He has our best interests in mind, like a good, loving father does with their child, even though a child often does not understand why. This is the reason it is written in the Holy Scriptures; without faith it is impossible to please God. However, this is objective faith, based on what He has demonstrated to us, through the beauty of His creation and the good things we have been able to experience in this life. God does not ask for blind faith, for that only comes from the religionists and atheists who twist reality and God into something both it and He are not.
But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become the children of God – John 1:12
The Foundation Is Destroyed And
The Next Generation Is Lost
The proof is in the eating of the pudding: According to a Barna survey on “teenagers and spirituality” it was stated that, “In total, 83% of teens maintain that moral truth depends on the circumstances, and only 6% of all teens between 13-18 years old believe that moral truth is absolute. When it comes to believing in absolute truth, only 9% of born again teens believe in moral absolutes and just 4% of the non-born again teens believe that there are moral absolutes (2001).*
Caryl Matrisciana and Josh McDowell have been reporting that 75% to 85%, respectively, of Christian, churched youth that attend public education are turning their backs on the faith by their first year in College! Also, see the web article “The Indoctrinator”, which tells about a similar phenomenon of how 80% of college students are being robbed of their faith at:
These survey statistics demonstrate a huge shift away from the influence of the traditional, biblical worldview in our culture, over to a dominating seduction and general acceptance of the atheistic worldview. We are at a very critical place in the battle for our culture, as to which one of these two religious worldviews will have control over the minds of the people. I am convinced that if we don’t act with immediate decisiveness, the battle will soon be over and what has become a post-Christian era in the Western world, may quickly become known as a hostile anti-Christian age.
The Church has had a fatal attraction to atheistic pseudo-science, much like Samson had a fatal attraction to Delilah. The atheists have been bent on destroying the foundation of biblical faith and the statistics prove that they have successfully found the secret to undermining the strength of Christian belief. By “discrediting” a literal Genesis with long periods of time, they accomplished making sin a relative issue and therefore, the need for a Redeemer from that sin entirely meaningless. It is time for the Church to realize that the past compromises with the pseudo-scientific ideas of theistic evolution, progressive creation, the gap theory, the day age idea, a local flood, etc. are no longer scientifically defensible, as Darwin’s theory is now completely dead and archaic as the idea of the moon being made of cheese. There is no longer any reason to appease the atheistic worldview and the uniformitarian, long periods of time! We now have new information about DNA, mutations, chemistry, physics, dating methods, geology and a great deal of young Earth/Universe evidence that refutes every postulation the atheists have put forth as “irrefutable science” for support of unbiblical ideas about origins. Christian leaders can now accept what Genesis has told them all along, with absolute confidence, particularly in light of Dr. Russell Humphreys’ application of the White Hole theory in cosmology, as it relates to creation and starlight.
The Church has made unnecessary concessions in an attempt to create a synthesis between the Bible and the atheistic propaganda presented as “science”. Ironically, many Christians say they stand on the authority of the word of God, yet they readily accept an “interpretation” other than what is literally stated in the context of the Hebrew language used in Genesis for creation. This compromise was never necessary and it has cost the Church dearly.
It is imperative for a three-fold counterattack to be launched immediately, to expose and heal the lethal disease of Atheism that has infected the minds of the vast majority of the precious people on this planet. First, human kind must be given the opportunity to see just how intellectually impoverished any religious belief based upon the atheistic worldview actually is, in order to successfully unmask and uproot it at its foundational level. Second, the atheists’ attempt to rewrite history needs to be exposed as a perverted revision of the true history. Atheism added in a counterfeit of long periods of time and labeled it as a “prehistory”, which was intended to replace the pre-flood era (and it has largely succeeded in doing so, in most people’s brainwashed thinking). Third, we need to focus on the actual definition of what science is and how scientific laws cannot be violated by atheistic, pseudo-scientific “theories” and hypotheses, regardless of which “expert” may present them to us.
This book defines the subjective belief system of Atheism and compares it to the objective biblical worldview. Additionally, a basic exposure of several scientific laws foundational to life are presented, revealing how the atheists have freely violated good science in postulating their theories and beliefs, upon which they base the rest of their thinking. If one starts with an incorrect foundation, then everything that is built upon it is meaningless. This book will prove that the foundational premises of Atheism are as trustworthy as quicksand.
This material will be an effective way for sincere people who are not afraid of the truth to expose the fraud of Atheism and free millions of minds and hearts from the bondage of its deception and darkness. Science, history, proper exegesis, and plain logic are now all on the side of the biblical worldview! If the Church will choose to deal with its mistakes and move forward, it has a tremendous opportunity to reverse the damage and see a revival that will shake the gates of Hell itself! If the Church hesitates or hangs on to the old and outmoded ideas of the past, it may likely lose those remaining 9% of teens that still believe in absolute truth, along with the entire Western culture.
Many may be tempted to skip forward to the chapters on science that deal with the atheistic pseudo-science, in a desire to get to the root of the scientific issues and obtain factual and effective “ammo” to deal with all the lies the atheists are presenting to the public as “truth”. But unless one is able to grasp the bigger picture and explain why Atheism is a dishonest, subjective and irrational religion, based on a bankrupt and destructive philosophy, that individual will only possess one half of the actual information they need to displace the atheistic superstitions oppressing people’s minds in the world today. Exposing the false religion of Atheism is the key that will unlock the door for people to be able to understand objective truth, which is supported by real science. This will allow a stark distinction between the clever lies of pseudo-science that the atheists hide behind and the truth of real science and actual history, which will free every honest person from Darwin’s great evolutionary deception.
*Barna Research Group, Ventura, CA 93003. Americans Are Most Likely to Base Truth on Feelings
The Ten Dangers Of Theistic Evolution
10 Dangers of Theistic Evolution
By Dr. Werner GITT
The atheistic formula for evolution is:
Evolution = matter + evolutionary factors (chance and necessity + mutation + selection + isolation + death) + very long time periods.
In the theistic evolutionary view, God is added:
Theistic evolution = matter + evolutionary factors (chance and necessity + mutation + selection + isolation + death) + very long time periods + God.
In the theistic evolutionary system, God is not the omnipotent Lord of all things, whose Word has to be taken seriously by all men, but He is integrated into the evolutionary philosophy. This leads to 10 dangers for Christians.1
Danger NO. 1 … Misrepresentation of the Nature of God
The Bible reveals God to us as our Father in Heaven, who is absolutely perfect (Matthew 5:48), holy (Isaiah 6:3), and omnipotent (Jeremiah 32:17). The Apostle John tells us that “God is love”, “light”, and “life” (1 John 4:16; 1:5; 1:1-2). When this God creates something, His work is described as “very good” (Genesis 1:31) and “perfect” (Deuteronomy 32:4).
Theistic evolution gives a false representation of the nature of God because death and ghastliness are ascribed to the Creator as principles of creation. (Progressive creationism, likewise, allows for millions of years of death and horror before sin.)
Danger NO. 2 … God becomes a God of the Gaps
The Bible states that God is the Prime Cause of all things. “But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things … and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by Him” (1 Corinthians 8:6).
However, in theistic evolution the only workspace allotted to God is that part of nature which evolution cannot “explain” with the means presently at its disposal. In this way He is reduced to being a “god of the gaps” for those phenomena about which there are doubts. This leads to the view that “God is therefore not absolute, but He Himself has evolved – He is evolution”.2
Danger NO. 3 … Denial of Central Biblical Teachings
The entire Bible bears witness that we are dealing with a source of truth authored by God (2 Timothy 3:16), with the Old Testament as the indispensable “ramp” leading to the New Testament, like an access road leads to a motor freeway (John 5:39). The biblical creation account should not be regarded as a myth, a parable, or an Allegory, but as a historical report, because:
· Biological, astronomical and anthropological facts are given in didactic [teaching] form.
· In the Ten Commandments God bases the six working days and one day of rest on the same time-span as that described in the creation account (Exodus 20:8-11).
· In the New Testament Jesus referred to facts of the creation (e.g. Matthew 19:4-5).
· Nowhere in the Bible are there any indications that the creation account should be understood in any other way than as a factual report.
The doctrine of theistic evolution undermines this basic way of reading the Bible, as vouched for by Jesus, the prophets and the Apostles. Events reported in the Bible are reduced to mythical imagery, and an understanding of the message of the Bible as being true in word and meaning is lost.
Danger NO. 4 … Loss of the Way for Finding God
The Bible describes man as being completely ensnared by sin after Adam’s fall (Romans 7:18-19). Only those persons who realize that they are sinful and lost will seek the Saviour who “came to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10).
However, evolution knows no sin in the biblical sense of missing one’s purpose (in relation to God). Sin is made meaningless, and that is exactly the opposite of what the Holy Spirit does – He declares sin to be sinful. If sin is seen as a harmless evolutionary factor, then one has lost the key for finding God, which is not resolved by adding “God” to the evolutionary scenario.
Danger NO. 5 … The Doctrine of God’s Incarnation is Undermined
The incarnation of God through His Son Jesus Christ is one of the basic teachings of the Bible. The Bible states that “The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14), “Christ Jesus … was made in the likeness of men” (Philippians 2:5-7).
The idea of evolution undermines this foundation of our salvation. Hoimar von<teler Ditfurt discusses the incompatibility of Jesus’ incarnation and evolutionary thought: “Consideration of evolution inevitably forces us to a critical review … of Christian formulations. This clearly holds for the central Christian concept of the ‘incarnation’ of God … “.3 </teler
Danger NO. 6 … The Biblical Basis of Jesus’ Work of Redemption Mythologized
The Bible teaches that the first man’s fall into sin was a real event and that this was the direct cause of sin in the world: “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned” (Romans 5:12).
Theistic evolution does not acknowledge Adam as the first man, nor that he was created directly from “the dust of the ground” by God (Genesis 2:17). Most theistic evolutionists regard the creation account as being merely a mythical tale, albeit with some spiritual significance. However, the sinner Adam and the Saviour Jesus are linked together in the Bible – Romans 5:16-18. Thus any view mythologizes Adam undermines the biblical basis of Jesus’ work of redemption.
Danger NO. 7 … Loss of Biblical Chronology
The Bible provides us with a time-scale for history and this underlies a proper understanding of the Bible. This time-scale includes:
· The time-scale cannot be extended indefinitely into the past, nor into the future. There is a well-defined beginning in Genesis 1:1, as well as a moment when physical time will end (Matthew 24:14).
· The total duration of creation was six days (Exodus 20:11).
· The age of the universe may be estimated in terms of the genealogies recorded in the Bible (but note that it can not be calculated exactly). It is of the order of several thousand years, not billions.
· Galatians 4:4 points out the most outstanding event in the world’s history: “But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth His Son.” This happened nearly 2,000 years ago.
· The return of Christ in power and glory is the greatest expected future event.
Supporters of theistic evolution (and progressive creation) disregard the biblically given measures of time in favour of evolutionist time-scales involving billions of years both past and future (for which there are no convincing physical grounds). This can lead to two errors:
Not all statements of the Bible are to be taken seriously.
Vigilance concerning the second coming of Jesus may be lost.
Danger NO. 8 … Loss of Creation Concepts
Certain essential creation concepts are taught in the Bible. These include:
- God created matter without using any available material.
- God created the earth first, and on the fourth day He added the moon, the solar system, our local galaxy, and all other star systems. This sequence conflicts with all ideas of “cosmic evolution”, such as the “big bang” cosmology.
Theistic evolution ignores all such biblical creation principles and replaces them with evolutionary notions, thereby contradicting and opposing God’s omnipotent acts of creation.
Danger NO. 9 … Misrepresentation of Reality
The Bible carries the seal of truth, and all its pronouncements are authoritative – whether they deal with questions of faith and salvation, daily living, or matters of scientific importance.
Evolutionists brush all this aside, e.g. Richard Dawkins says, “Nearly all peoples have developed their own creation myth, and the Genesis story is just the one that happened to have been adopted by one particular tribe of Middle Eastern herders. It has no more special status than the belief of a particular West African tribe that the world was created from the excrement of ants”.4
If evolution is false, then numerous sciences have embraced false testimony. Whenever these sciences conform with evolutionary views, they misrepresent reality. How much more then a theology which departs from what the Bible says and embraces evolution!
Danger NO. 10 … Missing the Purpose
In no other historical book do we find so many and such valuable statements of purpose for man as in the Bible. For example:
Man is God’s purpose in creation (Genesis 1:27-28).
Man is the purpose of God’s plan of redemption (Isaiah 53:5).
Man is the purpose of the mission of God’s Son
We are the purpose of God’s inheritance (Titus 3:7).
Heaven is our destination (1 Peter 1:4).
However, the very thought of purposefulness is anathema to evolutionists. “Evolutionary adaptations never follow a purposeful program, they thus cannot be regarded as teleonomical.”5 Thus a belief system such as theistic evolution that marries purposefulness with non-purposefulness is a contradiction in terms.
The doctrines of creation and evolution are so strongly divergent that reconciliation is totally impossible. The theistic evolutionists attempt to integrate the two doctrines; however, such syncretism reduces the message of the Bible to insignificance. The conclusion is inevitable: There is no support for theistic evolution in the Bible.
This article has been adapted from chapter 8, “The Consequences of Theistic Evolution”, from Dr. Gitt’s book, Did God use Evolution? Christ lichest Literature Verbreitung Postfachost 11 01 35. Bielefeldel, Germany.
Die Selbst organisation is at Universums Munchen, 1979, p. 412.
Wirlsind indnicht nurcht ndieser WeltMunchen, 1984, pp. 21-22
Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker, Penguin Books, London, 1986, p. 316.
Biologists Rundschaunds, 25 (1987), S.7-26, p. 19.
* This section is adapted from Gitt’s, Did God Use Evolution?, pp. 13-16, 24.
The following evolutionary assumptions are generally applicable to theistic evolution:
The basic principle, evolution, is taken for granted.
It is believed that evolution is a universal principle.
As far as scientific laws are concerned, there is no difference between the origin of the earth and all life and its subsequent development (the principle of uniformity).
Evolution relies on processes that allow increases in organization from the simple to the complex, from non-life to life, and from lower to higher forms of life.
The driving forces of evolution are mutation, selection, isolation, and mixing. Chance and necessity, long time epochs, ecological changes, and death are additional indispensable factors.
The time line is so prolonged that anyone can have as much time as he/she likes for the process of evolution.
The present is the key to the past.
There was a smooth transition from non-life to life.
Evolution will persist into the distant future.
In addition to these evolutionary assumptions, three additional beliefs apply to theistic evolution:
God used evolution as a means of creating.
The Bible contains no usable or relevant ideas which can be applied in present-day origins science.
Evolutionistic pronouncements have priority over biblical statements. The Bible must be reinterpreted when and wherever it contradicts the present evolutionary world view.
PROFESSOR GITT – received his doctorate summa cum laude, together with the prest Borchersorchers Medal, from the Technical University of Aachen, Germany, in 1970. He is now Director and Professor at the German Federal Institute of Physikalisch Technisch Bundesanstalt). He has written numerous scientific papers in the field of information science, numerical mathematics, and control engineering, as well as several popular books, some of which have been translated into Bulgarian, Czech, English, Finnish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Polish and Russian.
(Article –
The Gap And Ruin
Reconstruction Theory
What is the “Gap Theory?”, its origin
and history?
people have tried to place a gap of indeterminate time between the first two
verses of Genesis
chapter 1. There
are many different versions as to what supposedly happened in this
“gap” of time. Most versions of the “gap” theory place
millions of years of geologic time (including billions of fossil animals) in
between these two first verses of Genesis. This is the
“ruin-reconstruction” version of the gap theory.
this undermines the gospel as it allows for death, bloodshed, disease, and
suffering before Adam’s sin. Because most “ruin-reconstruction”
theorists have accepted the millions of years dating for the fossil record,
they have thus allowed the fallible theories of scientists to determine the
meaning of Scripture.
put the fall of Satan in this supposed period. But any rebellion of Satan
during this gap of time contradicts God’s description of His completed creation
on day six as all being “very good” (Genesis 1:31).
All versions
of the gap theory impose outside ideas on Scripture and thus open the door for
further compromise.
are the verses where there is supposed to be a gap:
“In the
beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was without
form, and empty; and the darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit
of God moved on the face of the waters” (Genesis
did the “gap theory” come from?
have been many attempts over the years to harmonize the Genesis account of
creation with accepted geology (and its teaching of billions of years for the
age of the earth), such as “theistic
and “progressive
The gap
theory was another significant attempt by Christian theologians to reconcile
the time scale of world history found in Genesis with the popular belief that
geologists provide “undeniable” evidence that the world is
exceedingly old (billions
of years).
Chalmers (1780-1847), a notable Scottish theologian and first moderator of the
Free Church of Scotland, was perhaps the man most responsible for the gap
theory. The idea can be traced back to the rather obscure writings of the
Episcopius (1583-1643), and was first recorded from one of Chalmers’ lectures
in 1814. Rev. William Buckland, a geologist, did much to popularize the idea.
Chalmers’ writings give very little information about the gap theory, many of
the details are obtained from other writers such as the 19th century geologist
Hugh Miller, who quoted from Chalmers’ lectures on the subject.
ruin-reconstruction view is held by many who use Bible study aids such as the
Scofield Reference Bible, Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible, and The Newberry
Reference Bible.
most notably influential 19th century writer to popularize this view Pember, in
his book Earth’s Earliest Ages, first published in 1884. Numerous editions of
this work were published, with the 15th edition appearing in 1942.
20th century writer who published the most academic defense of the gap theory
was Art Custanceu in his work Without Form and Void.
basic reason for developing and promoting the gap theory can be seen from the
following very telling quotes:
Study Bible: Relegate fossils to the primitive creation, and no conflict of
science with the Genesis cosmogony remains.
Annotated Reference Bible: When men finally agree on the age of the earth, then
place the many years (over the historical 6,000) between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2,
there will be no conflict between the Book of Genesis and science.
above quotes are typical of the many compromise positions — accepting
so-called “science” and its long ages for the earth, and
incorporating this into Scripture.
Testimony of Struggle
Pember’s struggle helps us understand the implications of the gap theory. The
following is based on or quoted from his book Earth’s Earliest Ages.
by skillfully blending their own systems with the truths of Scripture, they so
bewildered the minds of the multitude that but few retained the power of
distinguishing the revelation of God from the craftily interwoven teachings of
And the
result is that inconsistent and unsound interpretations have been handed down
from generation to generation, and received as if they were integral parts of
the Scriptures themselves; while any texts which seemed violently opposed were
allegorized, spiritualized, or explained away, till they ceased to be
troublesome, or perchance, were even made subservient.
He then
warns Christians:
if we be observant and honest, we must often ourselves feel the difficulty of
approaching the sacred writings without bias, seeing that we bring with us a
number of stereotyped ideas, which we have received as absolutely certain, and
never think of testing, but only seek to confirm.”
happened with Pember should warn us that no matter how great a theologian we
may be, or how respected and knowledgeable a Christian leader, as finite sinful
human beings we cannot easily empty ourselves of preconceived ideas. We see
Pember did exactly what he preached against, and did not realize it. Such is
the ingrained nature of the “long ages” issue. He did not want to
question Scripture (he accepted the six literal days of creation), but he did
not question the long ages either (perhaps he just took the word of Chalmers,
who was a highly respected Christian). So, he struggled with what to do. Many
of today’s respected Christian leaders show the same struggle in their
commentaries as they then capitulate to “progressive creation” or
even “theistic evolution.”
For, as
the fossil remains clearly show not only were disease and death — inseparable
companions of sin — then prevalent among the living
creatures of the
earth, but even ferocity and slaughter.
understood there could be no carnivores before sin:
On the
Sixth Day God pronounced everything which He had made to be very good, a
declaration which would seem altogether inconsistent with the present condition
of the animal as well as the vegetable kingdom. Again: He gave the green herb
alone for food “to every beast of the field, and to every fowl of the air,
and to everything that creepeth upon the earth.” There were, therefore, no
carnivora in the sinless world.
then, the fossil remains are those of creatures anterior to Adam, and yet show
evident tokens of disease, death, and mutual destruction, they must have
belonged to another world, and have a sin-stained history of their own.
in trying to reconcile the long ages with Scripture, Pember justifies the gap
is room for any length of time between the first and second verses of the
Bible. And again; since we have no inspired account of geological formations,
we are at liberty to believe that they were developed just in the order which
we find them. The whole process took place in pre-Adamite times, in connection,
perhaps, with another race of beings, and, consequently, does not at present
concern us.
this background, let us consider this gap theory in detail. Basically, this
theory incorporates three strands of thought:
literal view of Genesis.
in an extremely long but unidentified age for the earth.
obligation to fit the origin of most of the geologic strata and other geologic
evidence between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. Gap theorists oppose evolution, but
believe in an ancient origin of the universe.
are many variations of the gap theory. According to Fields, the theory can be
summarized as follows:
In the
far distant dateless past, God created a perfect heaven and perfect earth.
Satan was ruler of the earth, which was peopled by a race of “men”
without any souls. Eventually, Satan, who dwelled in a garden of Eden composed
of minerals (Ezekiel
rebelled by desiring to become like God (Isaiah
Because of Satan’s fall, sin entered the universe and brought on the earth
God’s judgment in the form of a flood (indicated by the water of 1:2), and then
a global ice age when the light and heat from the sun were somehow removed.
All the
plant, animal, and human fossils upon the earth today date from this
“Lucifer’s flood” and do not bear any genetic relationship with the
plants, animals, and fossils living upon the earth today.
versions of the gap theory state that the fossil record (geologic column)
formed over millions of years, and then God destroyed the earth with a
catastrophe (Lucifer’s flood) that left it “without form and void.”
Bible commentaries written before the 18th century, and before the belief in a
long age for the earth became popular, knew nothing of any gap between Genesis
1:1 and Genesis 1:2. Certainly some commentaries proposed intervals of various
lengths of time for reasons relating to Satan’s fall, but none proposed a
“ruin-reconstruction” situation, or pre-Adamite world.
In the
19th century, it became popular to believe that the geological changes occurred
slowly, and roughly at the present rate (Uniformitarianism). With increased
acceptance of Uniformitarianism, many theologians urged reinterpretation of
Genesis (with ideas such as day-age, “progressive”
creation, theistic
days-of-revelation, etc. – see Six
Days? Honestly!).
Is the “gap theory” an acceptable way
to harmonize the Bible and the geologic record?
ruin-and-reconstruction theory (also called the “gap
places a gap of indeterminate time between the first two verses of Genesis
chapter 1. This
supposed “gap” has been used to try to harmonize the Bible with the
supposed millions of years of the geologic record. (Learn about the source and
history of this theory – Go…)
with the Gap Theory
It is
inconsistent with God creating everything
in six days, as
Scripture states.
20:11 says,
“For in six days the Lord made the heavens and earth, the sea, and all
that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore, the Lord blessed the
Sabbath day, and made it holy”. Thus, the creation of the heavens and the
earth (Genesis 1:1) and the sea and all that is in them (the rest of creation)
was completed in six days. Where is there time for a gap?
It puts
death, disease, and suffering before the Fall, contrary to Scripture.
From Romans
“Therefore, even as through one man [Adam] sin entered the world, and
death by sin, and so death passed on all men inasmuch as have sinned,” we
understand that there could not have been human sin or death before Adam. The
Bible teaches (1
Corinthians 15) that
Adam was the first man, and as a result of his rebellion (sin), death and
corruption (disease, bloodshed, and suffering) entered the universe. Before
Adam sinned, there could not have been any (nephesh) animal or human death.
Note also that there could not have been a race of men before Adam that died in
“Lucifer’s flood” because 1 Corinthians 15:45 tells us that Adam was
the “first” man.
teaches us that the animals and man were originally created vegetarian. This is
consistent with God’s description of the creation as “very good.” How
could a fossil record, which gives evidence of disease, violence, death, and
decay (fossils have been found of animals apparently fighting and certainly
eating each other), be described as “very good”? Thus, the death of
billions of animals (and many humans) as seen in the fossil record must have
occurred after Adam’s sin. The historical event of Noah’s flood, recorded in
Genesis, provides an explanation for the presence of huge numbers of dead
animals buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth.
teaches us that, “we know that the whole creation groans and travails in
pain together until now.” Clearly the whole of creation was, and is,
subject to decay and corruption because of sin. The fossil record shows
disease, decay, and death. When gap theorists believe that disease, decay, and
death existed before Adam sinned, they ignore that this contradicts the
teaching of Scripture.
version of the gap theory that puts Satan’s fall at the end of the geological
ages, just before the supposed pre-Adamic Lucifer’s flood, has a further
problem — the death and suffering recorded in the fossils must have been God’s
fault. As it happened before Satan’s fall, Satan and sin cannot be blamed for
The gap
theory is logically inconsistent because it explains away what it is supposed
to accommodate — supposed evidence for an old earth.
theorists accept that the earth is very old. They base this on geologic
evidence interpreted with the assumption that the present is the key to the
past. This assumption implies that in the past, sediments containing fossils
formed at basically the same rate as they do today. This is also used by most
geologists and biologists to justify belief in the “geologic column”
as represented by billions of years of earth history. This geologic column has
become the showcase of evolution because the fossils are claimed to show
“ascent” from simple to complex forms.
places gap theorists in a dilemma. Committed to literal creation because of
their acceptance of a “literal” view of Genesis, they cannot accept
the conclusions of evolution based on the geologic column. Nor can they accept
that the days in the Genesis record correspond to geologic periods. So, they
propose that God reshaped the earth and re-created all life in six literal days
after “Lucifer’s flood” (which produced fossils); hence the name
“ruin-reconstruction.” Satan’s sin supposedly caused this flood and
the resulting judgment upon that sin reduced the previous world to a state of
being “without form and void.”
the gap theorist may think Lucifer’s flood solves the problem, this actually
removes the reason for the theory in the first place. If all, or most, of the
sediments and fossils were produced quickly in one massive worldwide Lucifer’s
flood, then the main “evidence” that the earth is extremely old
(based on the assumed slow formation of the sediments) no longer exists.
if the world was reduced to a shapeless chaotic mess, as gap theorists propose,
how could a reasonably ordered assemblage of fossils and sediments remain as
evidence? Surely with such chaos the fossil record would have been severely
disrupted, if not entirely destroyed. (This argument also applies to those who
say the fossil record formed over hundreds of millions of years before this
so-called “Lucifer’s flood,” which would have severely rearranged
The gap
theory does away with the evidence for Noah’s flood.
If the
fossil record was formed by “Lucifer’s flood,” then what did the
global flood of Noah do? On this point the gap theorist is forced to
conclude that Noah’s flood left virtually no trace. To be consistent, the gap
theorist would have to defend Noah’s flood as a local circumstance, one of the
major proponents of the gap theory, did this. He even published a paper
defending a local flood.
however, depicts Noah’s flood as a judgment for man’s sin (Genesis
Water flooded the earth for over a year (Genesis 6:17 and 7:19-24). Only eight people, and air-breathing,
land-dwelling animals with them on the ark, survived. (Genesis 7:23).
in relegating the fossil record to the supposed “gappists” have
removed the evidence for God’s judgment on the violent pre-flood world in the
graveyard of the flood. The fossils buried by the flood should warn us of God’s
judgment to come on sinful humans (2
Peter 3:2-14).
The gap
theorist ignores the evidence
for a young earth.
true gap theorist also ignores evidence consistent with an age for the earth of
less than 10,000 years. There is much evidence for this — the decay and rapid
reversals of the earth’s magnetic field; the quantity of helium in the earth’s
atmosphere; the amount of salt in the oceans; the wind-up of spiral galaxies;
and much more.
The gap
theory fails to accommodate standard uniformitarian geology with its long ages
uniformitarian geologists allow for no worldwide flood of any kind — the
imaginary Lucifer’s flood, or Noah’s real flood. They also recognize no break
between the supposed former created world and the current re-created world.
importantly, the gap theory undermines the gospel at its foundations.
accepting an ancient age for the earth (based on the standard uniformitarian
interpretation of the geologic column), gap theorists leave the evolutionary
system intact (which by their own assumptions they oppose).
worse, they must also theorize that Romans
5:12 and Genesis
3:3 refer
only to spiritual death. But this contradicts other Scriptures (1
Corinthians 15; Genesis
These passages tell us that Adam’s sin led to physical death as well as
spiritual death. In 1 Corinthians 15 the death of the last Adam (the Lord Jesus
Christ) is compared with the death of the first Adam. Jesus suffered physical
death for man’s sin, because Adam, the first man, died physically because of
sin. Genesis 3:22-23 tells us that if Adam and Eve could have partaken of the
fruit of the Tree of Life, they would have lived forever, but God decreed that
they should die physically because of their sin.
placing on man the curse of physical death, God provided a way to redeem man
through the person of His Son Jesus Christ, who suffered the curse of death on
the cross for us. “He tasted death for every man” (Hebrews
2:9). By
becoming the perfect sacrifice for our sin and rebellion, He conquered death.
He took the penalty that should rightly have been ours at the hands of a
righteous judge, and bore it in His own body on the cross. All who believe in
Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior are received back to God to spend eternity with
Him. That is the message of Christianity. To believe there was death before
Adam’s sin destroys the basis of the Christian message, because the Bible
states that man’s rebellious actions led to death and the corruption of the
universe (Romans
Thus, the gap theory undermines the foundations of Christianity.
records a catastrophe that destroyed all organisms that had the “breath of
life in them” except for those preserved in Noah’s ark. Christ refers to
Noah’s flood in Matthew
24:37-39, and
the apostle Peter writes that, just as there was once a global judgment of
mankind by water, so there will be another worldwide judgment by fire (2
Peter 3).
It is
more consistent with the whole framework of Scripture to attribute most fossils
to Noah’s flood than to resort to a strained interpretation of the fall of
Satan and a totally speculative catastrophe that contributes nothing to
biblical understanding, or to science.
advocating death before Adam sinned contradicts the clear teaching of Scripture
that death came only after Adam sinned and made man’s redemption necessary.
Closer Look at Genesis 1:1-2
earliest available manuscript of Genesis 1:1-2 is found in the Greek
translation of the Old Testament, the Septuagint (LXX), prepared about 250-200
B.C. The LXX does not permit the reading of any “ruin-reconstruction”
scenario into these verses. A closer look at these verses reveals that the gap
theory imposes an interpretation upon Genesis 1:1-2 which is unnatural, and
grammatically unsound. Like many attempts to harmonize the Bible with
uniformitarian geology’s supposed long ages of earth history, the gap theory
involves a well-meant but misguided twisting of Scripture.
In the
following we deal with the five major issues of interpretation bearing on the
gap theory. For a much fuller analysis, we recommend the book Unformed and
and making (Hebrew: baasah)
It is
generally acknowledged that the Hebrew word bara, used with “God” as
its subject, means “to create” — in the sense of the production of
something which did not exist before.
in the Fourth Commandment God “madasah) the heavens and the earth and
everything in them in six days (Exodus
20:11). If
God made everything in six days then there is clearly no room for a gap. To
avoid this clear scriptural testimony against any gap, gap theorists have
alleged tasahasah cannot mean “to create,” but to “form” or
even “re-form.” They claim that Exodus 20:11 refers not to six days
of creation, but six days of re-forming a ruined world.
there such a difference between bara asahasah in biblical usage? A number of
verses show that whasahasah may mean “to do,” or “to make,”
it can also mean “to create,” the same as bara. For example, Nehemiah
9:6 states
that God maasahasah) “heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host,
the earth, and all things in it, the seas, and all in them.” The reference
is obviously to the original ex nihilo creation, but the wasahasah is used. (We
may safely assume that no<teleri “gappist” will want to say that
Nehemiah 9:6 refers to the supposed “reconstruction,” because if it
did “gappist” would have to include the geological strata as well,
thereby depriving the whole theory of any purpose.) </teleri
fact is that the words bara asahasah are often used interchangeably in the Old
Testament; indeed, in some places they are used in synonymous parallelism
(e.g., Genesis 1:26-27; Exodus
Isaiah 41:20; 43:7).
this conclusion to Exodus 20:11 (cf. 31:17) as well as Nehemiah 9:6, we see
that Scripture teaches that God created the universe (everything) in six days,
as outlined in Genesis 1.
Grammar of Genesis 1:1-2
adherents of the gap theory claim that the grammar of Genesis 1:1-2 allows,
even requires, a time-gap between what happened in verse 1, and what happened
in verse 2. Into this gap — believed to be billions of years — they want to
place all the major geological phenomena that have shaped the world.
This is
a most unnatural interpretation, which is not suggested by the plain meaning of
the text. The most straightforward reading of the verses sees verse 1 as a
subject-and-verb-clause, with verse 2 containing three “circumstantial
clauses” — that is, three statements further describing the circumstances
introduced by the principal clause in verse 1.
conclusion is reinforced by the grammar Genius. He says that the conjunct waw
(“and”) at the beginning of verse 2 is “waw copulative,”
which compares with the old English expression “to wit.”
grammatical connection between verses 1 and 2 thus rules out the gap theory.
Verse 2 is in fact a description of the state of the originally created earth:
“And the earth was without form, and empty” (Genesis 1:2).
or “Became”?
without form and empty” as “the earth became [or, “had
become”] without form and empty.” At stake is the translation of the
Hebrew word hayetah (a form of the Hebrew verb hayah, “to be”).
must mean “became” and not simply “was.”
again that the meaning of a word is controlled by its context, and that in the
previous section we showed that verse 2 is circumstantial to verse 1. Thus,
“was” is the most natural and appropriate translation hayetah. It is
rendered this way in most English versions (as well as the LXX). Furthermore,
in Genesis hayetah is not followed by the preposition le, which would have
removed any ambiguity in the Hebrew and required the translation
delightful words are usually translated “formless and empty” (Genesis
1:2). They imply that the original universe was created unformed and unfilled
and was, during six days, formed and filled by God’s creative actions.
into Genesis 1 interpretations found in other parts of the Old Testament with
very different contexts (namely, Isaiah
34:11 and Jeremiah
Bohuappear together only in the three above-mentioned places of the Old
Testament. However, tohu appears alone in a number of other places and in all
cases simply means “formless.” The word itself does not tell us about
the cause of formlessness; this has to be gleaned from the context. Isaiah
45:18 (often
quote “gappists”) is rendered in the KJV “he created it not in
vain [tohu], he formed it to be inhabited.” In the context, Isaiah is
speaking about Israel, God’s people, and His grace in restoring them. He did
not choose His people in order to destroy them, but to be their God and they
His people. Isaiah draws an analogy with God’s purpose in creation: He did not
create the world for it to be empty! No, He created it to be formed and filled,
a suitable abode for “Gappistsa” miss the point altogether when they
argue that because Isaiah says God did not create the world tohu, it must have
become tohu at some later time. Isaiah 45:18 is about God’s purpose in
creating, not about the original state of creation.
the expression tohu bohuin Isaiah 34:11 and Jeremiah 4:23 speaks of a
formlessness and emptiness resulting from divine judgment for sin, this meaning
is not implicit in the expression itself, but it is gained from the particular
contexts in which it occurs. It is not valid therefore to infer that same
meaning into Genesis 1:2, where the context does not suggest it. As an analogy,
we might think of a word like “blank,” in reference to a computer
screen. It can be blank because nothing has been typed on the keyboard, or it
can be blank because the screen was erased. The word “blank” does not
suggest, in itself, the reason why the screen is blank. It is likewise
“formless and empty” — this can be due to the earth not yet being
formed and filled, or it could be due to something becoming that way through
judgment, for example.
call the form of use of tohu bohu in Isaiah 34:11 and Jeremiah 4:23 a
“verbal allusion.” These passages on judgment allude to the formless
and empty earth at the beginning of creation to suggest the extent of God’s
judgment to come. God’s judgment will be so complete that the result will be
like the earth before it was formed and filled — formless and empty. This does
not imply that the state of the creation in Genesis 1:2 was arrived at by some
sort of judgment or destruction as imagined by gappists. As theologian Robert
Chisholm Jr. wrote, “By the way, allusion only works one way. It is
unwarranted to assume that Jeremiah’s use of the phrase in a context of
judgment implies some sort of judgment in the context of Genesis 1:2…
Jeremiah is not interpreting the meaning of Genesis 1:2.”
The gap
theory imposes an interpretation upon Genesis 1:1-2 which is unnatural, and
grammatically unsound.
1:28 to justify the gap theory on the basis that this word means
“refill.” Thus, they claim that God told Adam and Eve to
“refill” the earth, implying it was once before filled with people
(the Adamites).
this is wrong. In the Hebrew, the word translated “replenish,” male,
simply means “fill” (or “fulfil” or “be filled”).
English word “replenish” meant fill from the 13th to the 17th
centuries. Then it changed to mean “refill.” As the KJV was published
in 1611, the translators used the English word “replenish,” which at
the time meant only “fill,” not “refill.”
Straightforward Meaning of Genesis 1:1-2
The gap
(or “ruin-reconstruction”) theory is based on a very tenuous
interpretation of Scripture.
simple, straightforward meaning of Genesis 1:1-2 is that when God at the
beginning created the earth it was initially formless, empty, and dark, and
God’s Spirit was there above the waters. It was through His creative energy
that the world was then progressively “formed and filled” during the
remaining six days of creation.
the analogy of a potter making a vase. The first thing he does is get a ball of
clay. What he has is good, but it is unformed. Next, he shapes it into a vase,
using his potter’s wheel. Now it is no longer formless. He then might dry it,
apply glaze, and fire it. Now it is ready to be filled — with flowers and
water. At no time could one of the stages be considered evil or bad. It was
just not finished — unformed and unfilled. When it was finally formed and
filled, it could be described as “very good.”
God, of
course, did not have to take six
days to
create everything, but he did this deliberately as a pattern for us — for our seven-day week.
sincere Christians have invented reinterpretations of Scripture to avoid
conflicts with “scientific” ideas. The gap
theory was
one such reinterpretation designed to fit in with scientific concepts that
arose in the early 1800s and are still popular today.
reality though, the gap
theory was an
effective “anesthetic” that put the church to sleep for over one
hundred years. When the children who learned this compromise position went on
to higher education, they were shocked to discover that this theory explained
nothing. They thus accepted the only remaining “respectable” theory,
evolution (which went hand in hand with millions of years). The results were
usually disastrous for their faith.
other compromise positions like “progressive
or “theistic
have, by and large, replaced the gap theory “gappists,” by attempting
to maintain a literal Genesis but adhering to the long ages (millions of
years), opened the door for greater compromise in the next generation — the
reinterpretation of the days, God used evolution, etc.
whether it be a “gap
or “theistic
the results are the same. These positions may be acceptable in some churches,
but the learned in the secular world will, with some justification, mock those
who hold them — they see the inconsistencies.
will be derided whatever they believe about Genesis. We can choose to be
scoffed at for believing the first book of the Bible as God intended it to be
understood, or for believing in a compromise position that undermines the
authority of God’s Word.
by Don Batten, Ph.D. / Authors: Ken
Ham, JonathSarfati, and Carl Wieland, adapted from The
Revised & Expanded Answers Book (Master Books, 2000). / Supplied by Answers in Genesis
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Progressive Creationism
What’s wrong with ‘progressive creation?’
Ken Ham
The ‘progressive creation’ view of Dr Hugh Ross on how to interpret the book of Genesis has received wide publicity and endorsement from many well-known Christian leaders, churches, seminaries, and Christian colleges.
This brief summary of only some of these teachings is meant to familiarize Christians with aspects of the<teleriRossist’ position, including some that are not so well-known. We need to judge these against the absolutes of God’s Word to see ‘whether these things were so.’ (Acts 17:11)</teleri
While Dr Ross is NOT an evolutionist per se, he does accept much of what evolutionists teach in astronomy and geology. We do not seek to pass judgment on his Christian character or commitment to the Lord.
In summary, progressive crRossism teaches:
- The ‘Big Bang’ origin of the universe occurred 16-billion-years ago; death, bloodshed, and disease existed before Adam & Eve.
- The days of Creation were long periods.
- Noah’s Flood was a local event.
- Sin has only a regionally limited effect on the world.
- Man-like creatures that behaved much like us—and painted on cave walls—existed before Adam and Eve, but didn’t have a spirit and thus had no salvation.
- The record of nature is just as perfect as the Word of God.
- Over millions of years, God created new species as others kept going extinct.
Publisher: Dr. Ross’s books are published by NAVPRESS, the publishing arm of the Navigators. They stated in a press release: ‘We consider it our privilege and our calling to stand behind Hugh Ross with our support as his publisher.’
Progressive Creationism (Rossism) teachings
(The following quotes are all taken from lectures or publications by Dr Ross)
1. Concerning the creation of life in the universe:
‘It only works in a cosmos of a hundred-billion trillion stars that’s precisely sixteen-billion-years old. This is the narrow window of time in which life is possible.
‘Therefore it allows me to make an interesting paraphrase of John 3:16, if you’ll permit—For God so loved the human race that he went to the expense of building a hundred-billion trillion-stars and carefully shaped and crafted them for sixteen-billion years so that at this brief moment in time we could all have a nice place to live.’ (Dallas Theological Seminary Chapel Service, September 13, 1996).
Our Comment: Read John 3:16 for yourself and compare it to the above!
Also: ‘Life is only possible when the universe is between 12 and 17 billion years. (Toocoa Falls Christian College, Staley Lecture Series, March 1997)
Comment: God is omnipotent—He could make a fully functional universe ready for life right from the beginning, for with God nothing is impossible. (See Matt. 19:26; Mark 10:27)
2. Dr Ross defending his belief that Noah’s Flood was only local:
‘But here are some reasons why, physical reasons why, the flood cannot be global. Number one is the limited extent of sin. Given that human beings had not yet civilized and inhabited Antarctica, there’d be no need for God to flood Antarctica because there’d be no sin there in Antarctica.
‘There’d be no need for God to kill off all the penguins because those penguins had no contact with reprobate humanity. And in that case, I don’t think Noah took any penguins on board the ark. … Only bird and mammal species, according to the Levitical Law, can be impacted by sin.’ (Toccoa Falls Christian College, Staley Lecture Series, March, 1997)
Comment: Read Genesis 6:19-20; The Bible clearly states here that all kinds of land animals—including penguins—were on the ark. By the way, most penguins live in other parts of the world, including the Galapagos Islands near the Equator!
3. Dr. Ross defining what he calls the ‘sixty-seventh book of the Bible’:
‘Not everyone has been exposed to the sixty-six books of the Bible, but everyone on planet Earth has been exposed to the sixty-seventh book – the book that God has written upon the heavens for everyone to read.
‘And the Bible tells us it’s impossible for God to lie, so the record of nature must be just as perfect, and reliable and truthful as the sixty-six books of the Bible that is part of the Word of God … And so when astronomers tell us [Ross uses the example of scientists attempting to measure distances in space and goes on to say that] it’s part of the truth that God has revealed to us. It actually encompasses part of the Word of God.’ (Toccoa Falls Christian College, Staley Lecture Series March, 1997).
Comment: Indeed God cannot lie, so when He tells us in Romans 8:22 that ‘the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain’ because of sin, then how can sinful fallible human beings in a sin-cursed universe say that their interpretation of the evidence is as perfect as God’s written revelation? Scientific assertions must use fallible assumptions and fallen reasoning—how can this be the Word of God?
4. Dr Ross’s Creation story for children states:
‘Starting about 2 to 4 million years ago, God began creating man-like mammals or ‘hominids.’ These creatures stood on two feet, had large brains, and used tools. Some even buried their dead and painted on cave walls.
‘However, they were different from us. They did not worship God or establish religious practices. In time, all these man-like creatures went extinct. Then, about 10 to 25 thousand years ago, God replaced them with Adam and Eve.’ (Reasons To Believe Web Site, updated July 8, 1997)
Comment: Dr Ross accepts and defends the evolutionist radiometric dating methods, so all evidence of humans, descendants of Noah, if given evolutionary dates of more than 25,000 years (eg., The Neanderthal cave sites) must be redefined as related to spirit ‘hominoids’ which the Bible doesn’t mention. However, the same methods have been used to ‘date’ the Australian aborigines back at least 40,000 years (some have claimed much older). By Ross’s reasoning, the Australian aborigines could NOT be descendants of Adam and Eve. However, read Acts 17:26. Interestingly, some scientists now date the American Indians’ ancestors at earlier than 40,000 years.
5. Dr Ross commenting on God’s knowledge and wisdom:
‘The Creator of the universe must be a Being that’s a minimum of a hundred-trillion times better educated, more intelligent, therefore more powerful, more creative, and even more caring and loving than we human beings.’ (Focus on the Family, radio broadcast, August 7, 1997)
Comment: Our Creator is NOT a minimum of a hundred-trillion times better educated! He is INFINITELY more knowledgeable. (See Col. 2:3; Job 21:22, 42:1–6)
6. Dr Ross defending death, bloodshed, disease, and suffering before Adam’s sin:
‘The spilling of blood before Adam’s sin in no way affects or detracts from the doctrine of atonement. Upholding that central doctrine in no way demands a Creation scenario in which none of God’s creatures received a scratch or other blood-letting wound before Adam and Eve sinned … Even in an ideal natural environment animals would be constantly scratched, pricked, bruised, and even killed by accidental events and each other … Could it be that God’s purposes are somehow fulfilled through our experiencing the ‘random, wasteful, inefficiencies’ of the natural realm He created?’ (Creation and Time, Chapters 6 & 8)
Comment: Read Genesis 1:29,30; Genesis 9:3; Genesis 1:31; Genesis 2:17; Genesis 3:17-19; Genesis 3:21; Hebrews 9:22; Romans 5; Romans 8:20-22; 1 Corinthians 15; Acts 3:21; Isaiah 11:6-9; Revelation 21:4; Revelation 22:3.
God created a perfect world at the beginning—all the animals and man were vegetarians (Gen. 1:29). Plants were given for food—they do not have a ‘nephesh’ [life spirit] as man and animals do.
God killed the first animal in the Garden and shed blood because of sin—if there was death, bloodshed, disease and suffering before sin, then the basis for the atonement is destroyed. Christ suffered death, for death was the penalty for sin (Romans 6:23). There will be no death or suffering in the perfect ‘restoration’—so why can’t we accept the same in a perfect (‘very good’) Creation before sin?
7. Dr Ross on Revelation:
‘We’re also told in Revelation 6:9 that Christians who died ahead of us are watching what we’re doing. It’s like they go to heaven and they’re given the equivalent of some kind of TV monitor with a bunch of channels that they can select and they can watch.’ (Focus on the Family, broadcast August 8, 1997)
Comment: Look up Revelation 6:9 for yourself!
8. Dr Ross on space-time dimensions:
‘What follows, then, from string theory and from all these recent findings in particle physics and astrophysics is that God must be operating in a minimum of eleven dimensions of space and time, or their practical equivalent.’ (Beyond The Cosmos, Chapter 8)
Comment: Dr Ross bases much of what he says on ‘string theory,’ which is NOT universally accepted, and is just one of many arcane speculations being discussed by theorists. It is so vague and speculative, and without experimental support, that to use it to apply to defining attributes of God is foolish.
In the same book Dr Ross declares: ‘We are the only people ever to see (or need) direct scientific proof not only for God’s existence, but also for His transcendent capacity to create space and time dimensions, as well as to operate in dimensions independent of our own four.’ (Beyond The Cosmos, chapter 3)
Comment: What about Hebrews 11:3,6? Whatever happened to faith? String theory is NOT proof for God’s existence. Remember Romans 10:17: ‘faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.’ The Spirit of God uses the Word of God to bring people to Christ.
A detailed critique of many more<teleri ‘Rossist’ teachings is available in book form: Creation and Time—A Report on the Progressive Creationist Book by Hugh Ross.</teleri