Hi, I’m Terrance G. Johnson. My testimony is this: my wretched soul has been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ (Revelation 12:11 and Ephesians 2:8-9). By His blood my sins are forgiven and the Holy Spirit has testified to my spirit that I am His child (Romans 8:16 & 1 John 5:10-13). I was born in the beautiful State of Oregon and I’ve been transplanted in Texas for over 45 years now. I was born again spiritually in February 1980, when I finally realized that I needed to really make sure I was right with God, through Jesus Christ. I was brought up in an average middle class American home that was secular in its internal worldview, with the outward façade of liberal/secular/nominal/social Christianity. It wasn’t until I was twenty-one years old that I found out what it meant to have a authentic and personal relationship with Jesus Christ, through repentance and faith in Christ’s finished work on the cross. My encounter with God was very real, with my eyes being instantly opened to the spiritual world, which transformed my understanding and worldview.

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It was at that point of conversion the Bible came alive for me, e.g. it literally became the living word that began to change my life. Prior to this divine meeting and experience with Christ, the Bible had been viewed as a nice, but unimportant book that I had never desired to take seriously. Almost immediately, God placed a burning desire within me to understand the biblical prophetic passages that related to the end of this age and the return of Jesus Christ to Earth. For over four decades now, I have devoted a great deal of study to a careful understanding of the prophets’ messages, learning how to interpret their sayings, according to the pattern that the Bible, itself, has already established for us. The unique difference of my teaching concerning biblical prophecy is that I insist we all must stick to the Bible’s blueprint for interpretation, if we wish to even have any hope for understanding the prophetic forecast correctly.

Later, I discovered information that demonstrated how the world was being manipulated behind the scenes by the powers and principalities of darkness, ironically, to achieve the very things that the biblical prophets foretold would take place long ago. Although, these things do confirm many of the biblical prophecies, they should be considered extracurricular reading to simply extend one’s insight. In other words, it is okay to be aware of what the devil and the world are doing, but not to the point you become absorbed by what they are up to. Our main focus should be primarily stayed on what God is doing and obeying Him via respecting the authority of His word to us, the Bible. This website is dedicated to share much of the good knowledge and insight I have come across and learned, to make it easier, for those interested, to find this important and great information in one place. At least it is a good starting point for those who are new to looking into these topics.

George Orwell was extremely insightful to what global socialism would actually be like (an oppressive totalitarianism) – which is quite the opposite of what it is currently being advertised as, by the government and mainstream media; socialism (e.g. a political system that is a superior benefit for all of mankind). My counter to that would simply be: Since when?

History Professor Ralph Epperson’s The Unseen Hand and Larry Abraham’s The Greening draw back the curtain on world history and show what really happened, what’s really going on now and who is actually behind the scenes manipulating and orchestrating the major events in the world. These books are extremely well documented – eye-openers!